In-Game (Seeking male) Set about 10 years in the future and gaming technology is about to reach a whole new level. Full neauro synchronisation. The technology has the ability to completely control the player's consciousness by redirecting the signals the brain sends to the body and sending its own waves to stimulate the five senses. This technology is now being used in the most immersive virtuality reality game in existence. A Medieval Heavily Fantasy based MMORP where the player may select a race and class and is primarily and exploration/ quest/ battle based game. I’m also happy for your character to be whomever you want, and for you to pick the relation our characters have. Obviously I’d like to have it that they have chances of meeting in the real world but whether they know each other or not is entirely up to you. They may be friends and know each other are playing, are friends or enemies in real life and become friends in game or become friends in the game but have no idea who that person is in real life, etc.