[img]http://onemohr.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Christopher_Portrait-1.jpg[/img] Name: Josh Parker Age: 24 Gender: Male Background: Josh had only two things that really mattered in his life. Hunting, (sometimes not in the season) and working with the dogs at the police department's K9 unit. He helped the cops train their dogs, and sometimes they let him on the shooting range for a little practice. On the day of the purge Josh was working with his newest charge a spirited young German shepherd named Bishop. After Bishop tackled Josh to the ground, he noticed that the novice wasn't calling the dog off. Wrestling Bishop of of him he noticed that he was now alone in the yard. In fact he didn't see anyone in the station. Now concerned about his only friend he rushed home still in his K9 armor and with Bishop in tow he arrived to find his hunting dog Lucy safe and sound. Taking a backpack, his hunting rifle, clothes and some meat from his freezer for him and his dogs he returned to the station to try and find someone. There he found Dominick O'Connell emerging from the station and has followed him since. Not really sure were to go and two hounds to feed.