[centre][img]http://s20.postimg.org/5cj7ytk7h/Sarek.jpg[/img] [h2]Sarek Zagmar[/h2] [b]Race:[/b] Drakken [b]Age:[/b] 299 [b]Element(s):[/b] Fire Wind [b]Height:[/b] 6’7” [b]Bio:[/b] Arrogant, brazen and easily angered, the influential Zagmar ‘clan’ is renown amongst Drakken-kind for their arrogance and wealth, while they’re powerful fighters in their own right, they tend to favour causing their foes emotional anguish. A trait which unfortunately extends to the many Gemminite families who have had the lifeless bodies of their precious daughters sent back to them. Sarek in particular is known for being a lady killer… in a literal sense; with many surviving no more than a few days. He’s been a long-time advocate of enslaving the Gemminites, arguing that capture and ‘cultivation’ would be much more efficient than the current system of abduction. While many Drakken view the Gemminites as slaves, pets, or trophies, Sarek views them as objects; more specifically toys which can be discarded once broken. He has a tendency to perceive things from a cost/benefit approach and often ignores the morality of methods in favour of efficiency, and there is no benefit in keeping a ‘broken toy’ around. [b]Other:[/b] (Currently Empty~) [/centre]