Kot landed where the fighting was thickest, taking out several of the spindly and poorly programmed B-1 Series Droids from above before aiding a group of clone troopers in storming a defensive position, laying down covering fire as the clones flanked the barricade manned by a pair of Geonosian Warriors who were previously firing an E-Web heavy repeating blaster cannon down the street at an advancing column of clone troopers. Kot's Carbine fire forced the Geonosian Warriors to duck and cover from the bolts, and soon a squadron of clone troopers had managed to flank the position and lay down grenades, splattering the two Geonosians across the barricade. As the Column advanced, Kot Flitted from building to building on his jetpack, taking a sniper role as the Column continued to clear the series of barricades set up along the street. As they neared one of the large manufacturing spires, the B-1's became sparser and the Geonosians more prevalent, along with a few droidekas. The Droidekas were no problem for Kot though, do to his gauntlet mounted micro missile launcher. Most Mando's preferred a flamethrower on their right arm, said the micro-missiles didn't have enough punch. While it was true, that the Micro Missiles barely had the stopping power of your average grenade, That was good enough for Kot's Purposes. Besides which, he had a small flame projector mounted under barrel on his carbine if he needed heat. Regardless, after a long intense fight, the Column finally managed to make it to the entrance of their first objective, one of the Many Droid Manufacturing Spires in the City surrounding the Arena. From here it was going to be hard fighting in tunnels, so Kot quickly took charge of the advance. Walking up to the Clone Captain in command of the Column. "Major Tal, Mandalorian Advisor to the 24th Infantry Regiment, this your show?" He asked. "Yes Sir, Captain CT-7567." Replied the Clone Captain, but Kot shook his head and said, "What do your podmates call you Captain? I don't much care for the serial numbers the Bureaucrats Give out, not a proper name." The Captian Nodded and said, "Captain Rex, at your service sir, we were supposed to be assigned a Jedi, but with the Fracas at the Arena Command hasn't gotten around to it yet." Kot nodded and replied, "Well, we'll see if we can't get you and your men some Glory before the Jedi go hogging it all. We're going to be taking out the Droid Factory in this spire, but we need to go through tunnels to get there, fortunately, it looks like we might have just enough firepower to make a decent go of it. Breach Procedure is in effect here captain, can't be too careful in a tunnel. I might be able to clear out the Geonosians with my flame projector, they burn just like everyone else, but the droids are a different matter. They don't burn, so we'll have to blow them up or take em down with blaster bolts. Just remember your training and do what I do, and we might just beat the Jedi to the punch here." "Yessir." Snapped the Captain. A few minutes to check grenades and power packs, and form up went by, and then Kot and the Clones entered the Spire. Kot led the way, blazing with his flame projector, the air inside the tunnels acting as fuel for the large plume of flame that swept down the tunnel, incinerating the Geonosian Warriors stationed in the first stretch of tunnel. The Clones opened up with blasters as soon as the fire stopped, picking off the now supportless B-1 Droids as they advanced into the tunnels. It was a good entrance, but soon whatever passed for a commander for droids started changing tack, having the droids fire back and staging a fighting retreat further up the tunnels. A some of the clones were hit with bolts, but for every clone that died, five droids seemed to go with them. Soon, it seemed like the droids had stopped fighting. Kot held up his hand. "I smell a trap lads, give me a second to scope out the hallway. "Switching his optics to infrared and filtering out the background heat of the droid foundries took a few moments, but eventually Kot was able to discern the faint shimmer of laser tripwires. "Those freaking toasters laid down some proximity mines to cover their retreat. They're probably regrouping in the bottom floor foundry. Who's your demolition's expert captain?" Asked Kot over the Comms. "Scorch! Get your arse up to the front, the Major found something he needs you to take a look at." Shouted Captain Rex over the comm. Soon a clone trooper with the olive green markings of a Sergeant double timed it to the front of the column. "You see what I see Sergeant?" Asked Kot. The Sergeant let out a low whistle, "Yeah, those things might even have enough juice to collapse the tunnel if they all blew at once, good thing you spotted them sir." He said. "Can you defuse them?" Asked Kot. "Give me a few minutes and I'll have them disarmed and ready for replacement by our own troops, might as well give those toasters a surprise or two." Chuckled the Sergeant. "Get it done, Sergeant." Replied Kot. A few minutes later and the mines had been disarmed and ready for redeployment. Scorch had even managed to rig up a detonator that would set them off in case they used up their ordinance in the fight in the main foundry. The Column was soon moving again, coming up on a large blast door. "I think I can hotwire this to open, but you men need to be ready to lay down some serious cover fire when they do. I don't doubt that the bulk of the droids in this spire are in that room and have regrouped, priority for grenades should go towards any Droidekas in there before B-1's or Geonosians, I open this door, you all chuck grenades at the best targets, then pick your targets as you need to. I'll be right there as soon as I can lock out the door controls." Replied Kot. A few minutes passed, as Kot buried himself in wires, before a spark lit off a pair of connected wires and the blast doors opened. Immediately, a volley of grenades were tossed down, blowing up Droidekas and some of the more opportune concentrations of B-1's, but the Droids got in a volley as well, and the front ranks of the clones were whittled down with blaster bolts. A firefight soon erupted as Clones, Geonosians, and Droids engaged in a running gun battle in the main foundry of the spire. Eventually Kot got fed up with trying to lock out the controls and put a bolt into the control panel before joining the firefight. Clones died, but many more droids and geonosians went down than clones, and soon Scorch was rigging ordinance on load bearing walls and support columns. He intended to bring the entire spire down. "Okay, we have five minutes to get out of range, let's move it!" Shouted Scorch as the last of the charges were set. A mad dash back down the tunnels ensued as the Clones and Kot tried to clear the spire before the timer wound down, they managed to make it out at the 30 second mark, sprinting back down the street for the last 30 seconds before a muffled boom was heard and the spire began to topple over into the next closest spire, causing significant damage to that one as well and shooting up a huge plume of dust. When the dust cleared, a message from command came through the comms, "CT-7567 you are to take your unit towards the Arena, your Jedi Officer will be there waiting for you." Kot, Sighed and said, "Well Captain it looks like that display at least got command's attention. We should probably double time it to the Arena. Can't have the New Jedi in Charge look bad by not having his troops, now can we?" Chuckled Kot. And soon the Clones and Kot were on their way to the Arena.