[hider=Darius] Name: Darius Full (real) Name: Darius Gordock Age: 68 Appearance: [img]http://img.4plebs.org/boards/tg/image/1400/05/1400053618869.jpg[/img] Personality: Kind Hearted Alignment: Chaotic Good Morality: Serves Mainly the God of Magic, being 150 years old and a master Sorcerer, growing up in with his father who was also a Sorcerer, he was raised to follow the God of Magic, for without him there would be No reason for there to be Magic and Mystical properties in the world, no Questions, No Knowledge. Just Emptyness Likes: Knowledge, Questions, Books and Scrolls Dislikes: Ignorance Secrets: is actually 150 years old, only appears to look 68 Companion (Optional): Helena Mavilia - His Apprentice[img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/001/8/8/thunder_queen_copy12_copy_by_alexnegrea-d5q130x.jpg[/img] Outfit:Seen in his image [/hider]