[h3]Kagerou[/h3] With things more secure she set to work moving rubble with the others. Turning to Adrian she called out. "[color=plum]Adrian, we need your nose to help find everyone.[/color]" With the other students assistance they had already pulled several other students out. Thankfully the majority had been in her class. Assuming the others would continue the work she tried to locate McCoy's lab. Being on the ground floor and full of all kinds of electronic gear it wasn't that hard to find. Most of the stuff was clearly trashed though and wouldn't turn on. That didn't mean she couldn't find what Erik needed. Stripping away the unneeded parts she removed the drives of the computers and brought them over to Connor. He was talking with Anthony but she didn't have time to wait on formalities. "[color=plum]I need you to look for information regarding McCoy's research on Erik. He needs some substitute to remain stable. Can you do that for me Stark?[/color]" Turning to Anthony she managed a slight smile despite the circumstances. That wasn't unusual for her even when they worked together in the past. She paid little regard to the man's past or even his plans of the future most of the time so all things considered they were on good terms. "[color=plum]Glad to see you here Mr. Luthor. Always good to have another sharp mind around.[/color]" [@ActRaiserTheReturned][@MonsieurShade][@Caits][@knight125]