[i]New Orleans - February 28th, 2022[/i] 6 days, 5 hours, and 45 minutes had passes since the moment a strange force wiped out the majority of Earth's human inhabitants. Equipped with a brand new platinum Rolex wristwatch, which Dom took from one of the stores, he felt that time might be now the only thing of true value left. Even the 20,000$ Rolex itself wasn't worth much now, even though it was something Dom wanted to own ever since he was a kid. But time...time was everything. Luckily, the batteries remained unaffected, and since the stores were full of them, there was no worries that they couldn't keep their watches ticking, and thus losing track of time. In the case of days, however, Dom cared to carry along a diary, where he put the notes for every single day that he spent still breathing on this God's forsaken land. He was very meticulous about it, which was something that no one would really expect from him. Dom was just sitting on the rooftop of a medium sized two-story mall, enjoying his sixth cigarette in a row, when he spotted a moving figure on a street not too far away. He immediately grabbed his newly owned binoculars in order to get a clearer picture on the strange newcomer. Staring through the lens he managed to distinguish a man accompanied by two dogs, who seemed to be headed exactly toward his mall. Yes, [i]his[/i] mall. He was the first one there, and he claimed it by spraying a [i]beware, danger![/i] symbol all over the entrance door. He might appeared a bit nuts, but since the day of his arrival he already managed to make friends with a few people, who stumbled upon his 'fortress'. One of those guys was Rory, who turned out to be quite an eater. That could indeed be a problem, since the food had to be used sparingly, but Dom liked him nontheless, and was glad to keep him around. The man with two dogs by its side was now getting closer to the front of a mall, and by the looks on his face, he didn't quite understand the point of a skull and crossed bones all over the entrance gates. ''Oy!'' Dom screamed at him from the top of the roof. ''Don't go any further. Identify yourself!''