[b]Cricin - Liquor Store - Annie &Co.[/b] Cricin was busy grumbling as the Russian girl mentioned food. His head shot up as the word was uttered, "Food?" He responded back. "You have food?" Cricin stopped himself from smiling, had to be cautious. It could be a trap, but his hunger pained for this. "Show me..." He followed meekly as the girl went down the street. However he did notice Mandy enter the shop, he frowned as he met up with the Russian girl. He waited for a moment before turning to her. "Are you two part of the same group or are we just waiting till she leaves?" Cricin sighed before peeking forwards to check what was inside the building. A group, ah...that wasn't the greatest thing. He felt uncomfortable just waiting outside, along with the fact that the group that Mandy was apparently in might kill him and take all his stuff. Not that he had much. But the prospect of food kept him there, waiting for whatever the Russian girl was waiting for. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name, what was it again?" He asked her. Not that he hadn't asked before, but for this second it was just the two of them. He had to remind himself not to strain too far for Clyde not to catch up with him. He hoped that Clyde had also found food so that he wasn't up to him.