It was needless to say that it felt quite strange to be the one running away rather than the one chasing for the female knight. Penelope, for a brief moment, felt a mixture of fear and guilt, as if she had done something wrong. She quickly got over it though as she focused on following and keeping up with Crow. Feeling an arrow whiz past her head, Penelope tensed. In every training session with her father or brother, she was taught that a knight should never flee like a coward but instead fight bravely against their foes until forced to surrender. It only made the situation now feel more unnatural to her. Surely being this out numbered and without a proper weapon was excusable though. [i]Fun?[/i] Penelope silently questioned to herself at Crow's words. She gave an annoyed look. Exactly what was this thief getting her into? Shouldn't they just head straigh for the inn? It seemed more logical to her afterall. However, Penelope was in no position to protest and instead, just tried to keep up with him. She followed him along the outskirts until he swung himself up onto a wall. Penelope gave an unsure look but she quickly copied his movement and landed on the wall but in a less than stable fashion. She quickly balanced herself and countinued following him along the wall. She never had to do such things before. Knights often stayed on the ground due to being weighed down by their armor. The theory was that whatever went up must eventually come down. The stunts she was having to go through now made her heart beat fast and adrenaline pumped through her. She glanced briefly over her shoulder before ducking to avoid an arrow as well. When she turned her head back around she noticed Crow jump onto the roof. This time, when she copied him again, there was no uncertainy present but she did seem almost... eager. Penelope rolled her eyes at his teasing. She jumped across after him and then came to a stop. She gave a confused and slightly angered look at his actions, believing that he was foolish enough to not know where to go. She took on a defensive stance as she noticed their pursuers climbing up, getting ready to fight. Then she noticed Crow crossing over to the beams and she turned quickly following him down into the hay bales. Penelope took a notice of their significant lead and grinned a bit. "It's a precaution!" she justified with a small hint of laughter in her voice. She continued to run behind him until the inn started to come into sight. Their pursuers had likely given up by now with the distance put between them along with being inplain sight of the rest of the town. Penelope, however, didn't stop and instead picked up her pace slightly to now to come up besides Crow. There was a gleam of mischief and amusement in her eyes as she turned her head to look over at him. "First one back gets half of the loser's lunch!" she challenged him like a child. For the moment, she wasn't thinking about proper behavior or the fact that she was being friendly with someone who was suppose to be her enemy. She had even forgotten her reason for coming outside in the first place! Penelope had a bit of fun, which was a rather rare thing for her, escaping with Crow and was looking to drag it out until the end despite her usual seriousness. The end being when they finally met up with William and Abraxas once more. She shot a smirk at Crow. Before giving him a chance to reply, she turned her gaze back towards the inn and picked up her pace even more as she hurried towards the complex.