[b]Name:[/b] Nomi Yanimura [b]Age: [/b] Unknown, but appears to be thirty (30) years [b]Height:[/b]: 6ft 1 [b]Weight:[/b]: 210lbs [b]Race:[/b]: Human [b]Class:[/b]: Blademaster [b]Appearance:[/b][img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/c31a/f/2015/102/8/8/nomi_by_the_great_tomato-d8pgnm1.jpg[/img] (Drawn and coloured by myself, which is why it's poopy xD) [b]Weapons:[/b] Nomi uses a katana as his main choice of weapon, although he is a very capable fighter using hand-to-hand martial arts as well. Nomi tends to sheath his katana either on his back or at his waist on his left. It's a basic, ordinary blade at first glance, but the weapon seems to avoid any and all damage when used in combat. Full strength edge on edge strikes with other swords will not chip, scratch or nick Nomi's katana. [b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] [u]Master Swordsman[/u]: Nomi's skill in swordsmanship is gargantuan. He is both fast and powerful, not to mention accurate, despite being blind. He has knowledge of several different styles of swordsmanship which include the likes of Iaido and Kendo, but most of the time he will battle in his own unique style, which revolves around him holding his katana single handedly and standing in a fairly open and relaxed stance, making his movements somewhat unpredictable. He is arrogant and cocky and likes to goad his opponent into attacking first where he counters with lightning fast and deadly strikes. [u]Martial Artist[/u]: Nomi's punch can be just as deadly as his sword. His body is trained to take damage and he has a huge reserve of stamina that allows him to keep going for a long amount of time. He has incredible agility and is able to perform flips and twists to help get into an advantageous position or to get out of a sticky one. Nomi's speed and enhanced hearing allows him the ability to dodge bullets, arrows and even catch a blade between his hands. He can jump much higher then an average human and can use his agility to scale tall walls if needs be. [u]The Mind's Eye[/u]: Nomi is blind, but he can 'see' just as well as the next person, if not more so, due to having trained his mind to 'see' for him. He can pour himself a drink, eat a meal, sharpen his sword and can even read books and scrolls and study maps with little effort. He also can recognize a person standing before him, but this is usually by 'feeling' their life force over viewing their face. With the loss of his eyesight, his other senses have been enhanced. Smell, hearing, taste and touch are vastly superior to an ordinary human. [b]Overview:[/b] Little is known about the man called Nomi Yanimura. He travels the world from place to place, sometimes seeking fights, something seeking information. He seems to be on the search for something and his journies have taken him to all four corners of the charted world and back again. His most recent and revealed adventure tells of him having travelled deep into uncharted orcish territory in search of a scroll fragment that pulses with a dark, ancient power. What is he searching for? What will he do next? Only Nomi knows the answer to that.