[quote=LiverisGood]She was taught how to dance and entertain at social settings and to be meek and submissive to her future husband. At the age of seven, she was betrothed to another boy that she never met.[/quote] Doesn't make sense in Othean Culture. Women have basically equal rights to men, perhaps meek and submissive may pass in certain families but arranged marrages don't happen, if they do it's below board. [quote=LiverisGood] The Royal Relic Constabulary[/quote] No longer existant, as I said before it is now the Kings Hand which operates in secret, if you were identified however you would either be offered to be trained and become a shadow in secret or you would be imprisoned if you refused to serve and worst comes to the worse you'd be handed over to the Dominion. [quote=LiverisGood]Inquiring on what they do, she was shocked to learn that they were hunting down evokers and handing over to the Dominion of Idris. [/quote] This bit doesn't make sense, the last King was totally in the pocket of the Order yes but Othea has been practicing with the Order of Idris for a period of time at least since before your character was born being raised in a noble house hold even if the religious shift was a new thing you would most certainly have known pretty early on.