[u][i][b]Miharu & Yuuya's Great Escape![/b][/i][/u] Miharu looked at the entrance of the temple spitefully, a pair of massive engraved stone doors, swearing in dragon tongue. Creating the link between her and her only friend in this hell hole of a Nation-State, Kal'Morah, or otherwise known by the other states as the home of the Star Breathers. "Yuuya, the doors are closed what do you want to do? There's no chance in hell we can make it by flying. I know for a fact Garthaos would capture us again, and I reckon we have maybe a couple more minutes before he and the others find out we escape" She turned her head looking at the dragon behind her, watching for guards coming this way. Yuuya swung his long tail thoughtfully upon given the question, his long lithe body tensing, causing the pale scales to flicker black momentarily. Normally, he would be more composed when dealing with tricky situations, but this was probably their last chance of ever escaping this prison. "I suppose even your thick skull can't break through these doors." the large red eyes glanced across the cold room, "And the powerful magic seals placed around the area are inhibiting my ability to 'Flicker', otherwise I'd easily get on the other side..." He turned to her with a solemn gaze, "I'm not sure if there is an easy way out of here without the need of bloodshed. They really have us locked in here tightly..." "It was my thick skull that got you out of your cell..." she swung her head back towards the doors and thought for a moment. She looked at the huge corridor that fit the elders and looked for more hallways to venture, "The elders are currently holding another council meeting. Once Garthaos sounds the alarm, they'll have no choice but to come this way and open the doors to help evacuate the temple... the problem is Garthaos will know that we'll be relying on that." "That's what I was thinking... At that point, we'll have no chance. He'll have gathered a small army and will be waiting for us." Turning she looked at Yuuya, "Are you willing to fight your way out, or chance waiting for the doors? The elders, if they see us, will slaughter us. If we go back we'll have to face Garthaos and the rest of the Guardians, which...I have faith we can beat, since we still have the element of surprise." she looked between both ways and then looked at Yuuya "Your choice, either way I'm with you knuckle head." she joked, trying to ease the dire situation that she was secretly freaking out about. His eyes looked back with a stern gaze, "If bloodshed is the sole option, I'd much rather do combat with the one that we have a grudge with than needlessly involving anyone else... even they were the ones that judged us to death, they were merely following Garthaos's orders fearing for their very own lives." his teeth showed in a snarling grin, "Besides, I'd very much like to take that snobby 'General' and his group of fanatics down to size." She made a laughing noise in her throat and nudged Yuuya with her snout "That's the Yuuya I know, I mean honestly how strong could Garthaos be if he considered us a threat?" she joked "Of course rightfully so, so he isn't stupid...i guess" she looked back at the door one more time, before starting towards the hall way that lead to the guards headquaters. Picking up speed she used the link in their mind again "We need to attack the guard center before they sound the alarm. If they sound the alarm, the elders will know whats going on and thats what we dont want to happen, sound like a plan?" she didn't look back but assumed Yuuya either had used his flicker to get ahead or was running behind her. Following Miharu back into the winding fortress, he could feel his control over magic slowly returning as they left the presence of the Council doors. It wasn't at full strength, but it would allow him enough ability to do combat with any of the Guardians. Hearing the plan, he didn't find any problem with it. Instead, he had already thought of a way he could turn their sneak attack into an even further advantage. The pale scales all across the white dragon turned dark as he charge forward at a blinding speed, the long form shimmering as he suddenly darted up towards a corridor placed up in the ceiling. "Go on ahead towards the barracks, I'll go for the ones keeping watch over the Warning Signal." "Dont die on me! You can die when I say you can die!" she shouted outloud at this point at him and turned her head, the spikes on her back making the send a electric generator makes when being turned on. Her pupils turned red and she beared her teeth, a red glow coming form her mouth. Coming to the door of the barracks, the two guarding dragons hardly understood what was coming at them, until she opened her mouth and lightning cracked through the air. Striking the two and piercing their body into the door. Cracking the seal on the door, she charged forward as the thunder sounded through the temple, breaking through the magic seal and through the door. The dragon ahead of her, was distracted from the breaking of the door. Charging the lightning again, she clamped her teeth on the dragon's neck and shot lightning through her neck, towards the other dragons now getting ready to act at the new threat. Hearing the sounds of rumbling thunder below him, Yuuya knew that they had crossed beyond simply being criminals sentenced to death. They would be branded as clear traitors now, and there would be no place for them among their kin. From this point on, even if they were to escape, they would be hunted ruthlessly. He snarled at the thought of being banished, but more so at the thought of Mihara being placed in this dangerous situation. Their time in the First Edolas War was short, but even in their comparably short experience, they've been able to witness the mindless slaughter of countless thousands that befell the battles between the races. "You better not be doing anything too reckless... we've been through too much to end up dead here of all placed." His body moved like a shadow through the temple, slipping through the darkness as he came to the massive bell that lay hoisted between a large platform. The long seal that stretched across the round metal form was to amplify the sound so that the entire temple would hear its call. Seeing that the group of Guardians were still idly standing there, he knew they weren't aware of the situation just yet. When one of them suddenly released a gurgling noise, they turned, only to be gripped in shock at what they discovered. A large gaping hole was dug through the center of their fallen comrade, a dark stream of blood dripping down the stone tiles. Yuuya opened his mouth and letting forth a grisly roar as he swooped down, his glimmering pale body trailing with a black smoke as he revealed himself. The group of Guardians had conjured their glimmering magical weapons to fight him, but it was too late. They all fell over lifelessly in the split second he was seen. As the last dragon fell into charred scales, skin and bones, she looked around the room at the number of guards dead "I guess this is it, those two were an accident, but this wasn't an accident. We could very well cause a civil war by our actions of killing this many dragons..." She thought back to the first Civil war, on the battle field where she met Yuuya. Though her thoughts were quickly interrupted "Damn, you really done it now Miharu, to think you were on the level of Garthaos and then you go a killed commanding officer dragons and now this. Digging deeper and deeper aren't you?" A guardian entered through the hole in the wall, followed by twelve others. Miharu's body was wrapped around by lightning and her dragon body quickly poofed into smoke and Miharu appeared in her human form, her dark black red coat over her body and covering her down to ankles. Her different colored eyes glowed in the dim lighting of the huge room "No Garthaos? I'm insulted" the guardians stirred a bit but the man leading them shrugged "He figured that your friend was more of a threat, besides you aren't worth his ti-" she appeared behind him suddenly rising from his shadow. "I'd watch your words Uondor, you have no idea what I am..." her hand was covered in lightning suddenly and she punched through his chest, grabbing his soul stone and pulling it out. He fell to the ground as she crushed it in her hand. There was silence as she let the shattered remains of Uondon's soul fall to the ground and she stepped on them, putting her hands in her pocket "Next?" she smiled and her right eye glowed it's red and gold color. Meanwhile, Yuuya had turned to his 'lesser' form, the young male utilizing his smaller hands to draw a delicate circle of magic upon the massive bell. It was necessary for performing such a precise spell, but he was scowling as he worked, the deep red eyes gleaming with annoyance. [i]Ugh. I feel so congested in this body...[/i] Finishing the last markings on the symbol, he pressed both his hands upon it and muttered a brief word. "Silence." The gray metal gleamed as the magic wrapped all around it was quickly unravelled by the counter-spell. The young man was about to move back down to where Miharu was, his body forming a pale smoke as he was about to revert back to his true form, but a heavy feeling suddenly filling the air stopped him. Yuuya turned at the familiar presence with a light sneer, the pale energy flashing eager as he looked up at the large metal form standing on a raised platform protruding from an opening across the room. [hider=General Gardaos][img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/352/a/2/wings_of_horus_by_johnsonting-d8a9j4e.jpg[/img][/hider] "Ah, there you are, General. I figured it was about time you stepped down and faced us instead of hiding behind that army of yours." "Do you recognize what you have done you dumb boy? The damage you caused to your own kin?" Garthaos floated into the air on a rock cut out of the ground below as dragons filled the room from the opening, but not to fight Yuuya, to spectate. "Does the council deem Yuuya and Miharu guilty under violation of the Treaty of Kin?" Yuuya would feel the very air get thin as the presence of one elder dragon was felt among everyone. A hoarse deep voice filled the air, a commanding voice, a voice of an alpha "Yuuya...is guilty...Miharu...is guilty" the Elder tapped the floor and suddenly Miharu and the guardians were also in the middle of the giant room with Yuuya. Miharu sighed "Looks like the whole not getting the attention of the elders thing didn't work out." she looked around the room at all of the people that she use to know that looked up to her. Then she turned to the Garthaos and the guardians "Hey pops can I ask you a question before this starts? Was it worth losing your daughter?" she looked at the armored general, but he stood silent. Raising his hand, he waved it at her and a stone spear zoomed towards her. Yuuya scowled at this, flicking his wrist and causing the spear to crumble into countless pieces of finely ground sand. "What kind of parent are you!?" the young male stepped up towards the metal figure, his sharp teeth fully exposed and snarling, "Don't you know how much she's sacrificed trying to earn your respect!?" The air tore apart as he surged forward, leaving behind a trace of white smoke as his body suddenly vanished into thin air. At the same instant, he emerged from a similar hazy mass above the general. His entire left arm was layered in a swirling black energy, the shadowy talons aimed at the man standing below him. This was an ability he was saving for a particularly rainy day, but considering that he wouldn't have an opportunity to strike at the revered Garthaos like this again, there was no way he was going to let it pass. The gleaming red eyes flared as though on fire as Yuuya looked upon his target, "If you won't ackowledge her willingly, I'll force you down to your knees!" The metal form didn't even bother to reply as he opened both his arms, rapidly rising the rocks around him and forming a thick covering. The stony dome that now completely shielded the man was the General's infamous 'Impenetrable Defense' that inummerable adversaries have tried and failed to overcome. However, Yuuya's attack was made knowing that his opponent would use such a move against him. As the claw touched the stone, a low whirring sound filling the air as it was crushed beneath the twisting darkess. The surging black form quickly pierced the earthen dome and Yuuya landed upon where his target stood, the ground shattered like glass beneath him as he continued to barrel downwards into the stone. The gruff-faced male beathed evenly as he pulled the black hand from the rubble, standing several dozen meters into the ground in the wide crater. "I guess you weren't really worth all of that praise after all..." he muttered. But his eyes grew wide when he discovered the absence of a body when the smoke cleared away moments later. [i]How was he able to get away...?[/i] Hearing a faint rumbling coming from below him, he looked up to see that the General was now standing on a floating platform above. He immedaitely vanished in a pale stream as the stone encircling him caved in. "You do better to watch your damn tongue boy..." he raised his hand and smashed the ball of rock into the ground, though he knew he wasn't in there, what he did in turn was make more rock. Using both hands, he raised them above his head and suddenly created platforms of all levels raising all of them into the air "You are not my daughter, you are a disgrace to dragon kind, you are a failure Miharu, you are my biggest failure" he stood above them all at the highest platform above all of them. Miharu laughed "Good to know pops, good to fucking know..." she jumped up onto the platform and faced the guardians "Hey Yuuya, he's all yours, he's not worth my time, and remember to not act on emotion next time" she teased him then faced the 12 guardians. Putting her hands into her pockets, she looked at the armored men and women. They started towards her, one of them suddenly teleporting in front of her, she caught him by the face. Her hand suddenly engulfed in lightning and slammed the guardian into the pillar, making it collapse. Jumping onto falling debris, a Guardian cut through rock in front of her, barreling through the air towards her. Miharu grabbed a piece of rock next to her throwing it at her. As the girl sliced the rock in half with her fire weapon, she continued on her way, but realized Miharu had disappeared. She failed to realize Miharu above her, who axe kicked her, her foot engulfed in lightning. The girl was sent into the landed debris and smashed into the floor, causing a crater. She landed on a pillar and thunder roared through the air. The ten remaining guards landed back on pillars in front of her, quickly readying into positions to face the monster. Appearing at the other end of the floating arena in familiar fashion, Yuuya's deep red eyes stared at the figure with a cold fury, his blackened left arm swirling in unison to his rising anger. As soon as he appeared, a barrage of sharp stones darted down at his position from the sky, covering him in shadows like a rain of arrows. Remaining still, a quick sweep of his hand burnt the projectiles into crisps in a flaming arc of black energy. "Enough of this senseless conflict." he muttered, peering down below at his completely surrounded companion. Yuuya dearly wished to have the man atone for the disrespect delivered to his only friend, but he knew that they would surely fall if they continued to fight against these higher powers. "With our matched strength, we could continue this battle for entire days without either showing any signs of tire... but you will not fight me fairly. I sense you have the entire legion of Guardians moving within these walls." His eyes narrowed as he gazed upon the metal figure solemnly, "I want to know. Was all that happened part of your plan? Is that why those guards watching over our cells were so careless too allow us a chance to escape? Was it so that you can have a reason to personally execute us like this?" "If it had been my choice to make, my plan to form and carry through, you would have been executed when you killed my commanders. But no, this was not my plan, this was the elders choice." he pointed to the massive elder dragon watching from above the arena, as was hundreds of other dragons. Yuuya was shocked, his gaze switching up at the huge entity resting high up in the sky overhead. "Why...?" he muttered, suddenly bubbling with rage as he glanced down at his twisted black limb. "Have we not fought tooth and nail for you!?" the young male shouted in vehemence, his whole body beginning to tremble as he surged in fiery outrage. "Have we not shed the blood of thousands in your name!? And for what? For you to turn a blind eye upon us when we did what we thought was best for our kind!?" he spat in a bitter tone, "Those group of corrupt commanders were dabbling in forbidden arts and sacrificing nests of hatchlings! Even if their purposes had been in the better course of our conflict, their methods were indignantly so! You will punish us for ridding our kind of this filth?" A booming voice once again spoke "We, the council have been watching you two...When you spoke to the Arcane God...he did something to you that he did not mean to...he gave you the power to think creatively...the power to think freely...to speak to an elder as you just did...The dragons in this room...even the general would not dare speak to me such as you have...In truth it is not...your fault youngling...but you must be punished...had it not been now...it would have been later" the Elder gazed down on him "for you have broken the treaty of kin...and removed the Seal of Saindéte on the bell...You and this other youngling are much too strong...much too dangerous to exist within our system..." Miharu jumped next to Yuuya and grabbed his shoulder "It has been decided by the Council that we have become threat to their very system, he will not budge on this." she patted his shoulder "Point of not return..." she looked down on the Guardians and then to her dad. The Elder waved his hand "Carry on General...we do not stop until these two...die..." the General nodded and looked at the two. Miharu looked back at Yuuya "I have an idea, but it's going to take a second, once I do it, I wont be able to fight anymore. Just protect me, got it?" she didn't take his answer, she simply sat on the platform cross legged and began to roll up her sleeves. She revealed long red dragon tattoos swirling around her arm. Holding her palms up to the sky she closed her eyes and began reciting a spell. The tattoos began to glow and her multi-colored hair began to glow in different colors. Slowly she opened her eyes, then all at once she looked into the sky and her eyes glowed blue, red and gold. "STOP HER! SHE'S GOING TO TRY AND KILL EVERYONE IN THE ROOM!" Garthaos raised his hand and started to try and make the platform collapse, but Miharu's Magnis lifted her and Yuuya into the air, encasing them into a lightning dome. From below them, a massive horde of armored figures began to swiftly swarm up the floating platforms. The Guardians shot off bolts of magic while the general melted the earth around him into large balls of manga and started to fire away at the dome, each hit causing pain to Miharu. Seeing the pained expression she bore and the overwhelming odds, Yuuya showed no hesitation of releasing his remaining powers. He knew the risks of allowing the 'secret' dwelling deep within his body to roam freely, but there was absolutely no other way he would be able to stand before all of them without the aid of it. Taking a knife from his pocket, he pressed the tip down onto his black arm and began caring an intricate marking across his skin. "Release." he muttered, pressing his fingers and empowering the blood seal. His blackened arm began to flow violently, the darkness rapidly reaching across his skin like a swarm of black widows that engulfed his body. He let out an agonized scream as the swirling mass of darkness warped him into a creature that resembled more a Demon than Dragon. A pair of twisting horns burst out from the sides of his skull, the bones within his body cracking as his figure swelled and elongated. With the transformation coming to its final stages, the dark creature floating there behind Mihara now, looked at all those beyond the ball of electricity with a pair of large pale red eyes resting within the grim visage. Raising both clawed hands, an unnatural shadow was then cast out from the silent dark figure, reaching out and enveloping the entire room. It was like the day had abruptly turned to night, the sun shackled by the darkness and sunken into the horizon. Time seemed to freeze in this created plane, the only thing that was safe from this magic were those sitting within the sparking sphere of energy. [i]I can only hold them off for a short while... I hope this enough...[/i] As he transferred these thoughts, Yuuya soon slumped over, the twisted form releasing trails of smoke as he returned to his draconic body. Black blood covered the white scales, the lithe form laying limp within the large orb. The elder quickly raised a claw and suddenly warped them out of the temple into the sky outside of the building. However he didn't account for how big the blast radius would be. Miharu quickly stood as her body started glowing everywhere and she raised her hands. She slowly pointed her hands outwards to her side, forming a T. The dome quickly made a charging sound and she formed fist in her hand. "TAKE COVER!" Garthaos voice echoed through the temple. He raised both his hands and slowly began forming a dome around the temple, but Miharu's lightning had begun it's onslaught. Hundreds of bolts left the orb around them, flying into the sky and striking the temple and the partially made rock barrier. On contact it struck through the rock and struck inside, hitting groups of dragon's and obliterating them. The Elders appeared above the temple, facing the small orb in front of them. Together they opened their jaws and their indiviual powers seemed to collide into one single beam, before striking the orb. Miharu moved her hands from her side, to in front of her, focusing the lightning into a concentrated arcs, her lightning collided with the Elder's and they were engulfed in light. However the elders kept their attack going, putting more and more power into it. Miharu fell to one knee, her right eye slowly going back to normal "Fuck...Yuuya!...Yuuya!" she tried to wake him up in order to allow him to be ready to be thrown by the elders attack. Her right arm slowly drained back to it's normal skin tone. Leaving her other arm up, she reached for white dragon's enormus paw. "This is...going to hurt..." she let go of her attack and grabbed hold of Yuuya's neck as the elders attack pierced the lightning orb that encased them. As it stuck the orb, Miharu spit up blood, but held the spell up. The elders collective attack hit the orb and sent them rocketing across the sky, appearing as a shooting star to all of Edolas. Then it disappeared, leaving the entire sky thundering, shaking houses, castles. It shook the entire world for one minute before the night sky was silent and all was quiet in the Edolas unaware of what event had just taken place. ... Yuuya felt a sharp pain coursing through his body, his eyes blinking lightly as he slowly opened them up. The night sky and all of the countless glittering dots that filled the black expanse up above him. [i]Stars...? I'm down on Edolas... does that mean...?[/i] He gasped at the mentioned fact, a concerned looked crossing over his face. His long neck arced as he turned to peer about, seeing nothing but faint figures in the shadowed surrounding. He was laying at the center of a massive crater, one that was undoubtedly a result of terribly destructive magic. [i]Miharu...! Where is she...?[/i] He made a frantic expression and his arms bent back as he was about to get up and continue the search, but upon feeling a warmness on his stomach, looked down to see that the sensation was not solely caused by her, but also by the blood trickling down her curled up body. It was a grim sight, her arm was bent and surely broken and wooden splinters stuck out from all across her skin. Watching as she gave only sparse breaths, he knew that there wasn't much time left. [i]I have to find help...![/i] He gently held the girl in his claws, Yuuya's head pointing up as his body moved to fly upwards, but stopped upon realizing the situation they were now in. They were being hunted. He had no idea if the other Dragons already where they had landed, but he couldn't chance it just on the off case they didn't. The dragon hissed in frustration at having to resort to such a pitiful method, but quickly transformed into his lesser form. At least in it, he could hide his identity. For a time, at least. Now that he was smaller, the damage he had suffered was now made clear as he struggled to pick Miharu up in his arms. His entire body felt like it would pop, the sinking pressure from the drain of Magnis in his system making it so he was barely even able to stand straight. If it wasn't for his draconic lineage, there was no possibility he could even survive through all of this. Grinding his teeth, he started up the jagged slopes of the crater, taking great care to ensure the person in his arms wouldn't be harmed. But with each step upwards, he could feel his legs quickly faltering. He cursed silently after glancing down and seeing Mihara's bloodied face. Yuuya loathed feeling so helpless at being unable to help his only friend in the entire world, his deep red eyes sparking in anger. Still, he kept pushing on and on in his stagnant stride higher. He didn't know how far he could make it, but he didn't care. He'd rather die than simply giving up. [i]She's granted me this freedom, I must now give her something in return...![/i] ...