[color=aba000][b]Currently craving:[/b] Anything with the *** indicator under the "Ideas" section; in particular, those with modern or sci-fi settings.[/color] [color=aba000][b][u]Not[/u] currently looking for:[/b] Anything involving supernatural/paranormal creatures [i](vampires, werewolves, etc)[/i] as I'm burned out on those.[/color] [center]First off - heya, and thanks for visiting my thread. I've been roleplaying for over a decade and have recently returned from hiatus, and as such am hoping to get a couple of new roleplays started. Ideally, I'm looking for 1-2 partners. Now, to the rules![/center] [center][h2]Rules[/h2][/center] - PMs only. Non-negotiable, sorry. - Quality over quantity. While I am capable of producing page-length posts, I'm rusty and tired so I'd rather keep things laid back at the moment. Let's stick to somewhere between 2-5 paragraphs, shall we? That being said, please keep your posts legible, use punctuation, and know the difference between it's/its, their/they're and your/you're. Occasional typos are totally fine; everyone makes 'em. - I'm a girl, but I don't really care which gender I play. Feel free to specify which you'd prefer. - I love romance [i](yes, I'm a huge sap)[/i], and find that it adds drama to the plot. So by all means, be cheesy and cliche. However, romance will probably take a backseat to the main plot. - Please be 18 and above. I don't fade to black, and my roleplays will likely contain - to some degree - violence, profanity and adult situations. I haven't yet encountered a scene I'm uncomfortable with, but if I do, I'll let you know. - Characters must also be 18 and above. I'd prefer if they were in the 20s-30s range. - I prefer strong-willed characters who can stand up for themselves/aren't easily cowed, and while I'm not saying you can't create "weak" characters, I'm not usually drawn to them and as such will likely lose interest (fair warning, though it's definitely me and not you). - I have a life and an unpredictable schedule, so please be patient with me. I'll always let you know when I'm too busy to respond, and would like you to do the same. - Please help with plot twists and world-building whenever possible. I don't want to be the only one moving the story forward. - I tend to like dark, gritty plotlines with plenty of drama. I also love action, violence and anything you might find in a summer blockbuster flick. - I don't usually make CSes, but if I do, I'll either use a text description or a real photograph/realistic drawing as representation, not anime. I expect the same of you. No offense to anyone who likes anime; using realistic pictures helps me better visualize. That being said, my preference is still text description. - Feel free to chat with me OOC; I'm nicer than these rules make me out to be. Tell me about your day, your hobbies, whatever you want. I have no tolerance for OOC rudeness, however. So if you can't be friendly OOC, I'll just stop replying. - I [u]may[/u] ask for a writing sample. Feel free to ask for one of mine as well if you're not sure if we might make good writing partners. [center][h2]Genres[/h2][/center] [center]* indicates a favorite.[/center] [hider=Open]- Military* - Fantasy (Medieval/Urban)* - Science Fiction* - Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic* - Slice-of-Life - Historical/Alternate History - (Steam/Cyber)punk - Dystopian* - Action/Adventure* - Thriller* - Crime* - Horror/Survival Horror*[/hider] [center]Any combination of the above is more than welcome [i](example: military sci-fi)[/i].[/center] [center][h2]Ideas[/h2][/center] [center]*** indicates a craving. Gender/role combinations aren't fixed, and can be changed if you like. I apologize for the rough nature of the ideas below; I'm tired and as such my brain isn't functioning at usual capacity.[/center] [hider=***Idea 1](A), (B) and (C) were best friends. They grew up together, a nearly inseparable trio. (A) and (C), in particular, were like brothers, both enlisting in the military as soon as they got the chance. (C) eventually married (B)...but war broke out not soon after, resulting in the deployment of (A) and (C). In the course of the war, (C) is killed in action, and (A) returns home traumatized by his experiences. He reunites with (B), now a widow, and their individual struggles eventually bring them closer than they were before. [i]This will take place in a modern setting. (A) could also be injured/handicapped during the course of his tour.[/i][/hider] [hider=***Idea 2](A) is an intrepid journalist, dispatched to an active warzone where she is embedded with (B)'s unit. [i]This will take place in a modern setting.[/i][/hider] [hider=Idea 3]A historical, war-related roleplay. WWI, WWII, Vietnam etc. I'm open to ideas on this one. It's an opportunity to explore one of my subjects of interest, and work on my accuracy at the same time. I'm no perfectionist scholar, so it'll be good practice. We could also do alternate history (what ifs), or something related to time travel.[/hider] [hider=***Idea 4](A) and (B) are soldiers, caught in a war of attrition with a savage alien species in order to preserve the remnants of humanity. This will be heavily inspired by the [i]Mass Effect[/i] series. Alternatively, I'll be up for almost anything military sci-fi, so feel free to launch your ideas at me.[/hider] [hider=***Idea 5]Space horror. Ideas can range from something [i]Dead Space[/i] or [i]Alien[/i]-esque, to a rogue AI taking control of a base, to a colony driven to cult-like madness by an alien object...the possibilities are endless.[/hider] [hider=Idea 6][i]Modern:[/i] An FBI profiler arrives to assist in the investigation of a spate of brutal serial killings. Initially, the profiler doesn't get along with the local detective in charge of the case. But when the bodies start piling up, the characters find that they must learn to work together if they're going to bring the killer to justice. [i]Sci-fi:[/i] Same thing, except one of them could be a cyborg or augmented "super" cop, and the setting would be more futuristic. We could also have their investigation take place in the midst of some kind of galactic conflict.[/hider] [hider=Idea 7]Espionage, conspiracies and gratuitous violence. (A) is the top operative for an independent intelligence agency, whose clients include the influential, powerful and wealthy. When his/her trusted partner turns rogue, he/she is assigned a new partner, (B), who is relatively new but talented and eager to learn. Together, they must hunt the rogue agent down and stop him from destroying their agency. Even so, the agency's shadowy leader might hold some dark secrets of his own... [i]This can have a modern or sci-fi setting.[/i][/hider] [hider=Idea 8](A) is a professional assassin, one of the deadliest in the business. (B) is his/her latest target. As usual, (A) befriends (B), hoping to learn more about his/her life in order to plan the hit. What (A) discovers is a person with a tortured past, who has overcome much and still has much to overcome. [i]This can have a modern or sci-fi setting.[/i][/hider] [hider=***Idea 9](A) is a starship captain and charismatic smuggler/pirate, using wit, charm and dirty tricks to get around the seediest ports in the galaxy, along with making a profit (personality-wise, think Han Solo, Peter Quill and/or Mal Reynolds). After leaving a notorious criminal haven, he discovers a stowaway, (B), hiding aboard his ship. (B) is on the run from gangsters, and begs (A) to let her stay as a member of the crew.[/hider] [hider=***Idea 10]Earth is at war with a humanoid alien species. (A) is a human soldier and decorated war hero, part of a dwindling resistance movement. When his unit is captured, he is taken to an alien base where he witnesses his comrades die one by one after undergoing extreme torture. But before it reaches his turn, he is freed by an alien operative, (B), who believes the war is detrimental to her people and seeks to defect.[/hider] [hider=***Idea 11](A) is a soldier of a powerful empire. When his empire finally crushes an aggressive group of nomadic warriors, his king decides to bequeath him (B) as a gift. Before her capture, (B) was her tribe's pride, a vicious fighter and skilled hunter who bowed to no man. When (A) decides to participate in a brutal and grueling "game" where the empire's champions are tested, he chooses (B) to accompany him, promising her freedom should they make it out alive.[/hider] [hider=***Idea 12]The facility was all (A) had ever known. He lived there with others like him, trained to obey orders and honed into a finely-tuned killing machine. He had no name, only a number. One night, the facility is attacked by unknown assailants. In the chaos, he slips out and into civilization, where he attempts to blend in. In the process, he begins to receive flashbacks of a woman, (B). He sees (B) on the street one day and follows her home in an attempt to make some sense of his strange "memories". But upon seeing him, (B) near collapses in shock. They soon find out that (A) was cloned from the DNA of (B)'s deceased husband, and that he is part of a government project to create the perfect human weapon. [i]This can have a modern or sci-fi setting.[/i][/hider] [hider=***Idea 13]Ex-military (A) works security for a large pharmaceutical company, only to discover that the company has recently acquired samples of a strange disease which has been wreaking havoc on the other side of the world. When the samples are stolen, the government demands an investigation, hoping to recover the samples quickly and quietly before a public announcement can cause nationwide panic. The case eventually lands in (A)'s hands, and he must work with (B), a company employee, to find the perpetrator before things spiral out of control.[/hider] [hider=Idea 14](A) is an astronaut. During a spacewalk, he becomes detached from his shuttle and is sent spiraling into open space. He eventually loses consciousness and wakes up aboard an unfamiliar craft, where (B), a member of a war-like alien race, informs him that he is one of many who have been captured with the intent of having him fight for their entertainment on their desolate homeworld.[/hider] [hider=***Idea 15](A) is an intergalactic bounty hunter, feared and respected amongst his peers. His latest job involves a shadowy individual accused of assassination and trading in intelligence, and he is ordered to bring that individual in alive. He captures his mark, (B), and brings her in only to have his powerful employer attempt to kill them both.[/hider] [hider=Idea 16]On a lush planet rich with minerals and other valuable materials, (A) is a member of the ruling house, trained from birth as a warrior-seer - one born with telekinetic ability - and as the planet's next queen. On the night before (A)'s coronation, a rival house launches a coup, killing the majority of the palace's inhabitants. (A) escapes aboard a small ship with (B), her loyal guard-captain who is also her childhood companion and second. They must now gather allies, including former houses (A)'s family once exiled, to reclaim what is rightfully hers. [i]Space fantasy, inspired by Star Wars and particularly the planet of Alderaan.[/i][/hider] [hider=***Idea 17]In the future, most of Earth's people have moved on to offworld colonies, leaving only the poorest to fend for themselves on a polluted Earth. (A) and (B) are fugitives on Earth, arrested after a string of violent crimes. Hauled off to prison, they are offered a choice. A "special" branch of the military, or death. They choose the former, and are sent to form a special unit comprised entirely of criminals. This unit is sent to do the jobs the human government finds too risky for the regular military. In essence, they're considered disposable assets. This story will follow (A) and (B)'s transformation from common scoundrels to heroes carrying the fate of humanity on their shoulders.[/hider] [center][h2]Others[/h2][/center] [center]*** indicates a craving. Apologies if the below list is insanely messy; I'm just listing anything and everything that pops up in my head.[/center] [hider=Open]- Mercenaries*** - Black ops*** [i](not the game)[/i] - Vigilantes [i](craving a vigilante/assistant pair in particular)[/i] - Treasure [i](maybe even cursed treasure and/or artifacts)[/i] hunting/adventuring [i](could be modern, like Indiana Jones/Uncharted, or sci-fi, like Borderlands)[/i] - Something in a setting/that has a vibe similar to the movies [i]Oblivion[/i] or [i]Elysium[/i]*** - Dark medieval/fantasy war*** - Something like [i]Constantine[/i] [i](angels and demons, hell on earth, etc.)[/i] - Organized crime/gangs [i](undercover cops may or may not be included)[/i] - Zombie apocalypse [i](cliche, I know, but still...)[/i] - Something with a [i]Metro 2033[/i], [i]Fallout: New Vegas[/i] or [i]Borderlands[/i] vibe/inspired setting - God/mortal [i](medieval/fantasy or modern; if modern, I prefer using a god from an existing pantheon)[/i] [s]- President's child/Secret Service agent [i](we could give this one a futuristic/dystopian twist if you like)[/i][/s] - Witness/US marshal*** - "Chosen one"/guardian [i](something like the plot of [i]Final Fantasy X/XIII-2[/i], only grittier)[/i] - Something with [i]Resident Evil[/i] or [i]Silent Hill[/i] vibes*** [i](maybe an organization like the BSAA)[/i] - Something like [i]Terra Nova[/i] - Something inspired by the setting/plot of the game [i]Bloodborne[/i] - Super soldiers*** [s]- Beastmaster/beast companion or familiar [i](with a human form)[/i][/s] - Scouting an Earth-type planet which holds hidden secrets and horrors [s]- Dragon [i](with a human form)[/i]/dragon rider[/s] - Mage/mage hunter - Road trip/long hiking trail where two troubled strangers, each wanting to rediscover themselves, meet by chance[/hider] [center]I am completely open to any ideas you might have, so feel free to throw 'em at me. The worst I can do is politely decline. If you're interested, [u][b]please PM me. Don't post here.[/b][/u] I don't usually check my threads, so I might not see it. Bonus points if you come to me with a plot. Thanks![/center]