Meryl gazed at the dazzling night sky above him, lying down snugly on the cloth mat that he used as a mobile bed. The weather was perfect, with a cool breeze tempering a lightly humid and warm day. The tapestry of lights above Meryl was an astoundingly wonderful sight, a canvas of brilliance that Meryle didn't quite pay attention to. He was not one given to the arts or for visceral rumination, and he thought the romantic was inane. But perhaps that was mere denial, as Meryl was reminiscing his past. When he first met the man who would utterly transform his life, Meryl was unconvinced. He was still an impoverished boy with nothing to claim his own, passing himself around for easy jobs to earn pittances to sustain himself. To Meryl, the man before him was the paragon of inaction. Meryl had been conditioned to utilize a hundred and ten percent of his wits all his life to make the bare minimum accomplishment of proudly holding onto life, and seeing such a vagrant and lackadaisical man irked him. The man before him was Meryl's antithesis in life ethics. At first, Meryl had agreed to work with the man due to the respectable pay. The details of the job were explained in vague terms, and Meryl did not pry as his experience understood that when men did not desire to be straightforward, they had good reason. Of course, the man that Meryl now worked under did not reveal the details of the job with clarity not because of some shady connection or identity, but because of a forgetfulness and lack of effort. The man that stood at a towering 210 centimeters and weighing a solid 90 kilograms was anything but the image of a talented magnis user. He was clad in cheap and practical clothes tattered and worn by the elements and overuse. His heavyset square face cultivated a wild and untamed beard that made him appear to be a savage, while his small and squinting black eyes accentuated an aura of stupidity. His tone was rough and simple, hewn from his early life as a trapper and hunter. As a human, he was also regarded with a slight mistrust and suspicion. Everything about him repulsed Meryl. This was the very image of man that Meryl sought not to be. Meryl at that time dreamed of becoming a renowned and respected member of light elf society, perhaps a palace mage or some wealthy beneficiary. He was enamored with the formality of upper class existence and strove towards it. Everything was all so distant, but so clear in Meryl's mind. It felt like it was only yesterday when the man had placed his hand on Meryl's back to assess his capacity for magnis and uttered a choice expletive to mark his wonder at Meryl's talent, an event that had given Meryl his main hope for his future. All those countless hours spent in untamed forests around a fading campfire learning about the history of the Arcana and the ways to perform the spells hidden within its millennium of existence. The dozens of times the man saved Meryl's life due to some foolishness that Meryl had dared. The day when Meryl buried the man in an unmarked grave in an unknown wilderness and took up the Arcana to continue its legacy. A life of twists and turns yes, but one that Meryl thoroughly enjoyed. What was life without enjoying it? It was so long ago that Meryl sought to become nobility, something greater than his fellow peoples. Yet now he knew from that man who had imparted the greatest lessons of life to Meryl that there was no pride in being above one's fellow kind. True pride can only be accomplished by surpassing one's past self. When one can confidently declare that he has improved for the better, that is when one is worthy of sincere adulation. Everything was all to ironic now that Meryl ruminated over his past. He had dreamed of grandeur, but now he was simply content to be a wandering vagrant just as that man had been. It was still a life of difficulties no doubt, one that fully required Meryl's superb talent for trickery and deceit, but still one that heralded personal satisfaction. It seemed as if nothing would break the smooth flow of Meryl's life now, his path of wandering and learning the tricks of the Arcana. He would experience and understand, imbibe and absorb knowledge, age and innovation, and pass down his legacy as so many before him had done. Something about that did sting Meryl. That he was to live out an existence so unknown and so unseen naturally swayed Meryl, but he understood that unless the stars themselves fell, he would remain best content in his current path. And a star did fall. Meryl observed in wonder as the glimmer of light in the night sky grew in size, and then the thought hit him. That this was not a star. That this was a rapidly approaching object of significant size that would likely cause massive damage. Merly hummed calmly, as if contemplating a philosophically profound issue, "Hmmm.... well shit." He immediately stood up, grasped the Arcana, and hastily rolled up his mat and shoved it in his satchel which he slung over his shoulder before sprinting away from the approaching flare of radiance. He kept running without exhausting himself at surprising speeds, the result of having to adapt to being on the retreating side of fights due to not having anything to fight with for the most part. After twenty seconds or so, Meryl heard the resounding crash of impact and tremors pulsed through the earth, forcing Meryl to halt to keep his balance. Convinced that he was now safe, Meryl gazed back to where he previously had been and saw a profuse amount of smoke emanating from a deep and raw crater. Thankfully, Meryl had not been asleep. He was curious though, and he began to saunter towards the crater with swift and silent steps. Once he was in within thirty meters of the crater, he pointed the Arcana down at the grassy ground and chanted, "View" The arcana projected a holographic view of what was around the crater area, and Meryl at first believed he was hallucinating. One male figure surrounded by charred earth with a heavily injured female figure. After rubbing his eyes a few times, Meryl ascertained that indeed this ridiculous spectacle was real and began to plan his next movements. He had absolutely no clue as to how one could fall from the sky, which removed many conduits by which he could guess the nature of these people. The only real motivator that influneced Meryl was the woman's heavily damaged condition, which obviously required medical attention. But then what could Meryl do? He had zero knowledge of real healing spells, even though the Arcana probably held the most powerful ones in its stores of knowledge. He was tempted to simply keep stalking this interesting duo, and then appearing in later while putting up a clueless front so as to not appear that he did not lift a finger to help, but a moral compunction eventually won out against rational and cold action. Shrugging his shoulders and sighing in cynical annoyance, Meryl strode towards the two figures. When he was direct sight of them, Meryl waved his right hand while pointing the Arcana downwards harmlessly with his left, not that the Arcana could really do any harm, but that was not knowledge these two needed to know. "Hello there, wonderful evening no? Ah, sorry about that. My sardonic side must have bled through. Do you need any help?" Meryl did not actively seek to help, and merely posed the question. If they were hostile and not quite intellectually acute, they would reject the offer or simply ignore it and follow up with hostile action, whereupon Meryl would perform his most accomplished skill of tactical retreat. Or rather, what he called tactical retreat that would be viewed as running away. Of course, if the man accepted the offer Meryl would come to his aid with his guard up, meaning that he would be ready to flee at moments notice. He did think about what to do when he got there to help, as he had no healing spells. All he had was medical knowledge he had gathered from living in harsh conditions and travelling, but perhaps that would be enough.