[hider=Haerald Melindant] [centre][img]http://conceptartworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Witcher_3_Concept_Art_07.jpg[/img] [h2]Haerald Melindant[/h2] [b]Race:[/b] Gemminite [b]Age:[/b] Late sixties. [b]Element:[/b] Earth [b]Height:[/b] Just below six feet. [b]Bio:[/b] Unlike most Gemminites, who do nothing more than perform their expected duties without so much as a though of resisting, Haerald has long been at the forefront of an extensive extremist movement. As war draws nearer and nearer to the Gemminite home front, he sees this as the most opportune of moments to decimate the Drakkens' supposed superiority and allow the Gemminite people to reign over their Drakken counterparts. As for his actual history, Haerald was born into a typical farming family in an equally typical farming community, which was subject to methodical visits by those seeking brides. Since most every revolutionary with a thirst for blood requires some sort of revenge story or whatever, Haerald's own family was not only once but oftentimes brought to the Drakkens' attention, for, in their opinion, the Melindant brides were some of the finest in the land, meaning that Haerald could do nothing but expect all three of his closest siblings to be dragged away to some Drakken liar. Ever since then, he's vowed to bring down their vile rule over the land, and upon leaving his parents' home in his early twenties has begun organizing a violent uprising. [b]Other:[/b] - [/centre] [/hider]