[i][b]B Zero Five [/b][/i] Kid Flash's confusion quickly gave way from the young man's rather naive and rude introduction of himself.  For the young speedster, a magician?  Who's a smartass?  Oh that does not fly at all. "Oh yeah oooooo fancy pantsy magic!  Oh no his gonna pull a rabbit out of the hat on all those criminals LOOK OUT!"  Kid Flash wailed and moaned with so much overreacting you'd think he was on a soap opera.  As he finally realized that he still had the party hat on.  Which brought with it the former glory of the team's one year anniversary.  Quickly ripping it off Kid Flash used his index and middle finger, he reared the elastic string of the party hat and like a missle launched it at the mouthy magician.  "PHONY!" [i][b]B Zero Six[/b][/i] Aqualad smiled brightly at Maxine. Her cheeriness was a breath of fresh air, and much needed within the team in his opinion. Dick could be somber even at the best of times, and Kara was often confused and bewildered by the simplest things. And Wally... was just Wally. "Hello, Maxine. Welcome to the Watchtower." Kaldur'ahm swept out an arm at the space station around them. "We're just getting settled in ourselves, but feel free to take it in and get to know the place." [i][b] B Zero Seven[/b][/i] Nightwing's eyes snapped open as he realized instantly who the girl was, for a brief moment he had hoped she didn't recognize him.  It had been years, he was practically a different person back then.  Suddenly though she said the word questionably he had hoped she wouldn't.  Robin, he wasn't even that figure anymore.  Still he already felt something swirling in his stomach about their short but still notable history. "Wait you two know one another?"  Wally asked starting to recover from his steaming anger at the fake in his own mind magician.  Gesturing between Nightwing and their newest teammate as he gave his friend a nudge with an elbow. "We uh... yeah I guess..."  Nightwing felt his cheeks start to burn in something he hadn't felt in a long time, embarrassment.  "I saved her some time ago when she had arrived on Earth the first time... well we worked together.  She... she kissed me."  Nightwing instantly regretted that last bit of information.  Especially considering who he told. Kid Flash stayed stunned for a moment, not ever even able to register what he had heard.  Finally the giant smirk tells the entire story of what he was thinking.  "Dude, DUDE!  YOU MADE OUT WITH AN ALIEN!?" "Shut up!"  Nightwing huffed, his arms folded and his head turned away.  This day wasn't going to end fast enough. [i][b]B Zero Eight[/b][/i] There was no reaction, no one said anything.  No one could, what the Hell do you say about... that? Kid Flash shook his head, "Okay I think we did something terrible somewhere down the time, because the Justice League must be just punishing us now..." Kaldur'ahm stood there blinking in shock and confusion. This newest arrival was by far the strangest thing he had ever seen. And that was something coming from a guy who was half-fish, had lived under the sea most of his life and regularly hung out with people from other planets. "Is he... an alien?" Turning to Kara expectantly, he waited for a sign from the Kryptonian. "He looks like a Czarnian. I don't know much about them other than they're known for being extremely unpleasant." Supergirl wasn't sure what to make of Slobo either. His abrasive personality and seeming disregard for basic manners made her question why he was being placed on their team. They were a pretty well-oiled machine at this point, and adding someone like Slobo to the mix was the same as throwing a wrench in the works as far as she was concerned. [i][b]B Zero Nine[/b][/i] Kara perked up as yet another girl arrived at the Watchtower. The boys were nice, but being the only girl on the team for a year had been somewhat challenging. Now that there were three other female members of the team, Kara hoped she could learn what it was like to be a teenage girl from Earth. She still had so much she needed to know about customs and clothes and past times. The list went on and on. Walking over to Courtney, Kara couldn't help but notice the sour expression on her face. Did she not want to be there? Perhaps Kara could help her feel a little more welcome. "So, I guess there are four of us girls now. That will be nice, for a change." Noticing that the other girl was holding a golden staff, Kara switched topics, fearing that Courtney still wasn't warming to any of them. "Your staff is certainly impressive looking. Do you use it to fight?" By this point Nightwing felt like he was about to be handed the keys to a beat up old wreck of a car that was already smoking and on the verge of exploding.  He didn't know what to think or feel about the team so far but there wasn't a lot about it that made him feel okay.  Finally though Batman had sent to his wrist computer.  He already had just about all of the people on the team accounted for.  But one of the two remaining heroes quickly stuck out as a sore thumb, Roy Harper.   "Oh guys!  Okay okay this might not be too great so far but look at this, Roy Harper, Speedy.  His going to be on the team!"  Nightwing told the other three with almost a surprising glee to his tone. "Yeah so?"  Wally asked. "His Green Arrow's pupil, I've had countless sparring matches with him and his girlfriend Black Canary.  The guy can shoot possibly better then his mentor, he makes me earn those wins when we spar.  This guy is amazing, when he shows up you guys will totally see!" [i][b]B Zero Ten[/b][/i] Kaldur waited to see who would emerge from the Zeta Tube. For Nightwing to have such a high opinion of him this Roy Harper should be truly impressive. The red-haired adolescent that stepped off the Zeta platform was certainly in excellent physical shape, but he seemed to be a little overwhelmed by the Watchtower at that particular moment. Approaching Roy, Kaldur stretched out his hand in greeting. "Yeah. It's pretty amazing to be up here in the League's headquarters. I'm Kaldur'ahm. You can call me Kaldur if that's easier, though. Pleasure to meet you." Kid Flash though seemed hardly as willing.  Quickly covering his face in his hand.  Shaking slowly as Nightwing had to watch on as them an he hyped up as a possible can't miss prospect was now on the ground seemingly having a seizure.  "Welp, this is great.  Good call Nightwing..."  Kid Flash muttered considering leaving as he turned around and defeated walked away from Nightwing.  “I'm going to see how much rope is around here to hang myself with anyone want to come join me?” [i][b]B Zero Eleven[/b][/i] Nightwing hadn't even noticed Jericho showing up as he was considering trying to distance himself from Speedy.  Still the purple and white clad young man came into his sights not from the wave but when he was looking back to Earth.  Making the small hand gestures that Nightwing picked up as American Sign Language.  Nightwing was confused what the mute's place on the team could even be.  It hit him quickly, the last person to show up.  Jericho.  Illegitimate son of Slade Wilson, Deathstroke. Nightwing quietly breathed through his nose at the realization of the last member of the team.  Suddenly Slobo, as crazy as he is, was no longer Nightwing's concern.  The young man had a small presence but there was a lot to worry about when it came to the young man.  Nightwing worried about telling the others about Jericho, not yet at least.  Though while he hated the idea of not telling his closet friends something important, he also wasn't sure what to tell them that wouldn't send some kind of already blarring warning sign about a new teammate. Instead Nightwing quietly approached Jericho, trying to give the young hero a warm smile when he did so.  Kneeling over and giving Jericho in sign language "Hello, I Nightwing, pleased meet." As everyone got situated, after a brief time of polite introductions to one another and small talk. Nightwing whistled with his fingers and lips for all the new recruits. “Alright all new recruits line up please.” Nightwing gestured a line and thankfully the group didn't seem to have too much trouble doing as told for now. Thank God for small miracles. For a moment Nightwing's mind drew a blank. He wasn't used to something like this, him and the other three usually could just go without any kind of leadership to this capacity. Finally Nightwing sighed and just had to wing it. “Alright so I'm not going to dance around the issue here. Me and my colleges are pretty unprepared for you guys. So I don't really have much of a speech prepared. My name is Nightwing, these are Aqualad, Supergirl, and Kid Flash...” “YOU BETTER RECOGNIZE ROOKIES!” “Kid Flash would you please?” “Hey man if I'm doing this I'm not...” Nightwing held up a gesture for Kid Flash to zip it. “Right... for the last year we've been a part of the Justice League known as Young Justice. Our job often involves missions that the Justice League either can't handle for whatever reason or can't have any public knowledge in dealing. We're... probably not going to have much protocol for now. Since I'm not sure what that will entail. Really I'm going to have to play this by ear for now... uh...” Nightwing admittedly wasn't okay with what he just said at all. He didn't make plans with his three friends at this capacity because they didn't need to. They typically would be on the same page when it came crunch time. Still though Nightwing wasn't sure what he could say. It hurt him a ton to have to admit that to himself, but the Justice League had left him stuck at the moment unprepared. “Any questions so far?”