"Indeed" Kaite sighed, grabbing the bracelet and the pills before exiting in haste. [color=8882be]I slipped the wristband over my right arm next to my control band. I had no idea what its purpose was, although I respected its existence in the doctor's arsenal and regarded it with as much as I would the pills which I wish didn't bulge in my pocket as much as they did. I didn't need people to see me like...[i]that[/i]. Glancing over my shoulder to make sure Sel wasn't right behind me, I tore the packaging with a twist with each pill, distributing them amongst my pockets. It was a behavior that pill-jockeys exhibited in a means to hide their stashes, but I knew where to tuck them so they wouldn't show; having experience with catching a couple smugglers before my first jump...I [i]am[/i] security...do I need to hide from myself? Why am I hiding? What am I so afraid of? Every camera and medical manifest has me on the record as leaving Sel's office with a grip of these pills. That in mind, I make a point to put them back into a single container for a camera to see. Less than entirely certain, I still proceeded towards the briefing room.[/color] The door to the briefing room slid open to reveal Kaite in less than strictly formal appearance, a rarity. Although, it was fairly commonplace with most of the attendance that his attire wouldn't be looked into too deeply...besides the usual expectation of his presentation. "Captain" He said with a small bow-ish salute in Rayland's direction. This confusion with formality was his ultimate downfall, since such displays cost his respect from newer recruits, especially on the eccentric spectrum who found such slipups 'adorable' . Kaite swiftly made his way to a seat away from the others as a form of a test to see who'd sit next to him.