Human name: Cassien Braudel Age: 16 Gender: Male Mer dominion: Air Physical description: Cassien has light blonde hair, almost white, that he keeps swept out of his face in a messy fashion. Not too long, it flicks up at the nape of his neck. He has a relatively pale complexion, slightly tanned, but not overly so. His eyes are hazel, a wild mix of colours, with brown just barely being the dominant colour. He has a relatively slight build, and is more of a passively-aggressive person, if anything. Not to say that he was a coward, oh no. Just that, doesn't running seem like a better option then staying and being hit around just to achieve nothing, and look cool? Yes, he'd take running any day. He has pianist fingers, delicate and constantly fidgeting. His entire body would fidget really, if he wasn't fiddling with something or other. Bumping his legs around, or just twiddling his fingers, it was an annoying habit. Personal History: Cassien grew up in a instrument store, in the heart of a bustling city, with only his father, as his mother had died giving birth. Not much of a different life, his father grieving for some of his childhood, before abandoning it, and pouring love over his son, who never seemed to be down, the only thing needed to make him smile being the presence of his father. Flutes and clarinets decked the walls, their shining finishes making them gleam in the sun. The beautiful instruments could shriek or sing, all depending on the person holding them. He particularly liked the clarinet, it's rich ones seeming dance around the air gracefully, tinting the light, flighty, tip toeing of the flute. His clumsy young fingers slipping across the slick keys soon turned into expert ones, creating notes to fly through the air, clear and pure. His father let him play outside, attracting customers to their shop, or even just stopping to give him a few coins for his efforts. His talent in playing instruments did not extend to making them however, and seemed to end in despair. Even though he clearly could do well in having a career in being a bard, he had no interest in it, considering music to only be a hobby, feeling that he must have some kind of higher destiny. Skills: Playing instruments(wind instruments). Knows how to handle a sword, but wouldn't be any use actually wielding one. I can write more if you'd like, just giving the basic layout because I'm lazy .-.