The search had largely been unfruitful. He had already performed for many clubs in Edolas but absolutely none expressed an inch of interest in the Lot Order. But this did not faze him. He knew only the luckiest would achieve his objective in mere weeks. He sighed though, his job was going to take a long time. A sense of homesickness temporarily surged through his emotions. That won't do though. He was a knight of the unyielding Lot Order. So to fight off these feelings of doubt and uncertainty, Sings did what he did best. "[i]This, love, has, taken its toll on me She said, goodbye, too many times before And her, heart, is, breaking in front of me And I had, no choice 'Cause I won't say goodbye anymore Oh, Oh, Oh Whoa, oh, oh Whoa, oh,[/i] oh?" The earth suddenly shook. The first thought was of an earthquake but Sings insincts told him to duck when a large ball of flame flew over him though at a safe height from the knight. Sings watched as the object from the sky made its impact upon the earth, its crash resonating through the ground and shaking it. The knight had not seen such a thing in his life and to investigate it, while may be dangerous, was a duty of a Lot knight. There could be someone that needed help. Or perhaps a threat that needs to be stopped or at least made known. The Lot knight, in his armor covered by a traveler's robes, made his way to where he believed the crash site. Soon he reached a quite large crater, no doubt created by the flaming ball from the sky. Present in the area were three figures, one of which Sings identified as a Light Elf. The other two, however, looked in very grave condition. They appear to be talking to each other and Sings wondered if one of them was the culprit of this little incident. The best way to find out was to ask and so, Sir Sings-A-Lot approached the trio. "Hail. I happened a flaming ball from the sky on the way to the next town and came here to investigate." The knight greeted. He could only hope his sheathed sword and the halberd on his back meant little to the people. Gazing at the injured ones, Sings immediately brought up his backpack. "I've medical supplies here that can help." But then he turned to the Light Elf. "Unless you have this under control, Sir Elf."