"I said I was a what?" Grant questioned confused looking at Jack as if he was crazy. "Conscription protocol is only invoked in times of emergency. I think you may be confusing me with Conscript Captain Graham Aker dude. I was recruited at Nelson Airforce Base in North Carolina. I was the second top cadet in my class. Proved my metal in Japan and in space with Jason and Beta Leader." commented Grant as he took a sip of water from a glass a soldier gave him. "I fought tooth and nail for my spot as Captain. And look at me only twenty five years old and a captain of an elite group under one of the most prestigious captains in my group. Shame of Jones though. He died the battle before you got here. Got killed by someone. Beta Leader may not show it but the dude is pretty hurt by the loss. He's a tough dude he once fought off six enemy Zaku units by himself in Japan. I was incapped and he refused to let me go. Let's just say my career may be colorful but it's filled to the brim with spots. What about you bucko? Got any stories to tell? I mean I hate to compare you too Lieutenant Lyons but he's one of the few gundam pilots left in our line. I mean with our Strike pilot being killed in London, our Duel Gundam pilot being injured, the Aegis pilot fucking defected, and our buster gundam being critically damaged at the gulf battle means that only Raigo, and Blitz are operational. Buster is getting fixed but it'll take awhile. We got a dozen other projects going on too probably no way the Madison Operation is the only thing producing gundams. Only speculating though. There's no way in hell I'd be informed about this shit." Grant went on a long winded speech about how he felt exactly but in truth he was just frustrated and his squad being in danger now he felt the need to at least share his feelings on the matter. Especially after the fact that they had lost good men on this ship the past week.