[b] Trey - Cell - Danny and Co. [/b] Trey's experience with this Magnus dude weren't too fun. He'd successfully beaten the living crap out of 2 of the men when they attacked, so their buddies weren't too happy with him: and they ended up breaking a rib and giving him a very bruised eye. Needless to say, he was fuming with anger. When the girl had shot Richard, that'd only angered him more. Sure, he might not have exactly been best friends with Danny and his group, but he knew Richard well - he was a good man. He decided that he'd try extra hard to kill her when he next got a chance. Trey sat up, much to the protest of his ribs. He earned a concerned glance from the girl - Zoe, he thought her name was. "Are you okay?" She asked, half-heartedly. Trey nodded, mentally concluding that Zoe and her husband must've new to this kind of violence. They both looked like good kids, but they both seemed too kind for a world like this. The man looked around the cell, glancing at the British guy who had just removed the arrow from Richard's leg. He had a wild look in his eyes - like he might have a pal up his sleeve. "Hey, Doctor Who. Please tell me you've got an idea of some kind."