Angelo was already eating a rice ball and some instant ramen when he felt the presence of increasing spiritual pressure. As much as Angelo wished he could ignore it he decided best to just go and see what was going on. He quickly finished his food before he grabbed his zanpacto and flash stepped until he got to where the spiritual pressure was increasing and apparently it belonged to the soul reaper trying to kill the hollow killer, Angelo knew about this one because it was hunting the hunters so to speak and it wasn't a bad thing as long as he kept ignoring the souls that they were chasing. "you guys mind not fighting id rather you guys just talk things through. The hollow your trying to kill has eaten nothing but hollows so leave that one be" Angelo called out to the soul reaper... Captain Katsuo decided that he would send this soul reaper to the world of the living as well, better to send her in case something happens to the other soul reaper that decided to chase the strange hollow seen in the world of the living "actually now that you mention it. I would like you to go to the world of the living, their is another soul reaper their that's gone to fight the strange hollow found in the world of the living. I need you to go and make sure to back her up in case things don't go smoothly. I will inform you captain for you so just go immediately theirs no telling how strong this particular hollow might be" he told her as he sent hell butterflies for the senkeimon to be opened and to inform the captain of this decision...