Kazuo Sanada yawned as he strolled down the hallway, seemingly abandoned this late in the day as students had already gone home, or have met up elsewhere for their own after school activities. He himself had just finished up his studies and homework at the library in preparation for tomorrow's classes, as he wanted enough free time tonight to laze around and relax after the club activities. After staying up late the previous night due to catching an interesting drama on tv, he was quite exhausted as the day was wrapping up. It'd be nice to get some early shut-eye tonight. A soft sigh escaped his thin lips as he rounded the corner, tilting his head slightly as he tried to remember the exact location of where the club will be meeting. After spending two years at Mayami Academy, he still has a hard time remembering exactly where everything is. After all, it is a fairly big campus - big enough, in fact, to even incorporate things that are said to be 'other-wordly': The Seven Mysteries of Mayami Academy. And it is these 'Seven Mysteries' that the peculiar 'Mystery Club' will be revolving around, and is the club that Kazuo will be attending this afternoon. One might wonder why a young man like Kazuo would be interested in such things that pertains to the occult and the supernatural, but the answer is quite simple: a believer or not, this was the club that interested Kazuo the most. Why not learn a thing or seven about your very own school before graduating and leaving it behind for good, especially if they do solve it, a wish would be granted by the Headmaster himself? It was also a bonus that he recognized some of the members as classmates and friends. And so he approached the classroom door with an open mind, giving a small, polite knock before softly swinging it open. Despite the familiar faces that stood out to Kazuo, his senses picked up something more alien. It was a very subtle feeling, but still, he shivered a bit. Perhaps it was they way the afternoon sunlight provided the classroom with such an odd and surreal ambiance ; everything within the room looked so...[i]dreamy[/i]...but kind of unsettling. Still, the sensation didn't really bother him so he focused on more important matters. Reaching a hand to fix his black headband that kept his long hair in a more presentable and charmingly stylish manner, he gave a small but warming smile to the occupants of the room. "Wow, and I thought I was gonna be very early. But it's nice to see all of you here." He walked up to the small group, a hand casually clutching the straps of his pack loosely. "Shiro, Hiiragi, how were both of your days? That math exam was quite difficult huh?" Turning to Gael, he quietly and quickly looked the taller man up and down before flashing his signature, crooked grin. Kazuo had to look up with his sharp, hazel eyes just to make eye contact with the foreigner. "And you're Gael, right? Geeze, you're a year under me and yet you're so damn big. That's an international student for you." The boy chuckled before turning to Takeshi, whom he gave a small pat on the shoulder. "Why can't you be that tall, Takeshi? I'm sure Shiro would admire you then." He said that last part with a hand blocking his mouth from the other students in teasement. Though Takeshi [i]is[/i] slightly taller than his senpai, that doesn't stop Kazuo from making fun of his kohai. After the small greets to his peers, Kazuo took one more look around the room. He gave a small whistle of approval. "Yeah, this place definitely fits the whole 'Mystery Club' thing. The atmosphere is...pretty peculiar, isn't it?" He nodded to himself, as if answering his own question. Now it's just time to wait for the rest of the members, he figured.