[b]Evelynn Joshi[/b] [i] "I guess you all got the invitation, too, yeah?" "I did. Weirdest invitation ever." "Weird? Definitely. But an all-expenses paid trip to Germany? A chance to escape – well, life, for a little while? I'll take that any day, weird or not. That party popper was a bitch to clean up, though." ... “But I didn't. Yah, the whole thing's kinda spooky if you ask me. Spooky in a fun kinda way.” [/i] After Evelynn, one last woman entered the room, with short dark hair and - she noticed - necklaces. Lots of them. She didn't dare ask about then just yet though the thought itched at the front of her mind, the silence of the room was too suffocating. And then, just like that, it was broken. First the woman with the necklaces and a vigour in her voice that seemed to bring the room to life, and then the young lady who she had sat by earlier, seemingly growing in confidence and even pulling out...a party popper! Just like Lynn herself had gotten! Then the strapping gent who happened to look a little for the worse; Evelynn could relate, and finally the man with the beard with an accent she noted as quite odd. In fact, they all were different. Distinct, even. "...I wonder why they left us party poppers." Her voice was small at first, and she balled her fists in her lap to resist the urge to cover her face and squeal like an embarrassed highschooler just asked on a date. "...but they did get into my house too." She picked up volume, stopped to take one of the last sips from her can before speaking up more. "I...I'm really glad to be here, though! The circumstances do seem a bit odd, since I never remember signing up for anything myself...but I suppose there must be a reason we're all here. And..." she stopped to give the bearded man a more confident smile than her initial shaky words, "If the same happened to him and I, and you have a popper, miss...I think they must have gotten the message to each of us the exact same way." She paused. The thought was curious...why this particular group of people? Was there a reason? Something they did? Something they said? Oh god... The thought disappeared for now. If she was going to be spending the next two weeks with these people and the Wolfs... "Evelynn. It's very nice to meet you all, sirs and madames." She stood, straightened out the skirt of the dress she wore and offered everyone a much brighter smile. Perhaps it was the presence of these non-threatening people, or the sugar from one too many cokes rushing to her head, but Lynn felt at ease again. Whatever it was, they were all in this together. No cahoots, none of them sounded remotely German, though the possibility... [i]No. I have to trust them.[/i] "Lynn for short." She added, bubblier than before with a nervous fiddling with the frills on the part where the top of the dress met the skirt. Her handbag abandoned on the seat she was sitting on, she looked them all in the eyes one by one to try and see even an ounce of who they were. Nothing revealed itself except the absence of malice. Nada. Zilch. She wasn't a psychic, after all. "Looks like we'll be stuck together for the better part of two weeks. How...delightful, haha!"