[hider= Sylvester Evans] [color=ed1c24][i]"Why am I amazing? Because I am one stallion of a man."[/i][/color] Name: Sylvester Evans Appearance: [img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire2/48a9bc23124a5ac07f3675e255bc5b6e1414974966_full.png[/img] Age: 16 Year: 6th year Species: Half Wizard-Half Veela House: Gryffindor Classes taken: NEWT level Defense Against the Dark Arts Charms Potions Transfiguration Herbology Care of Magical Creatures Short bio: Life wasn't unusual for him, well as usual a life for a wizard family could get. His mother was a Veela and his father was a wizard that worked for the Ministry in the study of curses and how to counter new ones that kept on being developed by dark wizards. When the letter arrived from Hogwarts it came as no surprise to anyone of them and before he knew it, he was shipped off. During those years he made a name of himself as a reckless bastard that held no regard to rules to some and to others he represented the true spirit of Gryffindor. Personality: On the surface he acts like he doesn't take anything seriously. He has a relaxed attitude towards everything and it can easily come off as him being a slacker, which to some degree is true when the subject holds little meaning to him. When the subject matters to him or there is a source of motivation then he puts his best foot forward and gives it is his all. Sylvester couldn't give a single crap about school rules and regulations that he deems as idiotic however he knows to avoid breaking the most important rules that could get him kicked out of Hogwarts. He walks around school in muggle clothing much to many prefect's and teacher's dismay. He is sarcastic in a playful sort of manner and enjoys pranking others though there are times when he tends to go overboard. He is extremely flirtatious with the opposite sex and uses his veela ability of attracting the opposite sex to help him in this particular pursuit. Sylvester is also extremely energetic and outgoing, tending to be easy to be with, but also tends to tease others as a joke. He is a curious man and is willing to try almost anything new that he feels comfortable with. Wand: Cherry Blossom, Leviathan Heart String, 12 inches, painted ivory white with cherry blossoms on it Patronus: Chimera Hobbies: Quidditch, in fact he is the captain of the Gryffindor team and plays the role of a chaser. Surprisingly enough he loves to exercise and is enamored with the muggle sport Boxing and can be found punching a sandbag in the dorms with ferocious force that could probably break some ribs. It should be known that he also practices the more practical side of magic and the combat aspect of it, becoming well adept and very good when it comes to duels. He's also been known to experiment with spells and working out new ones...sometimes resulting in a small explosion. It should be known that he has a love for muggle music of almost any genre. Pets: Mr. Tibbles, his pet green iguana that has grown past six feet and weighing twenty pounds. It has the strange ability to swallow objects and store it inside its body like a pocket dimensional space. Personal possessions: The latest Fire Bolt broom, standard school tools required by Hogwarts, his personal magically charged iPod with wireless head phones that also run on magic, muggle clothing (a guy has to be stylish you know) Relationships: Open for whatever NPCs: (Any characters it might be handy to control) [/hider]