Twilight had a bad feeling about this. Their fearless leader was more brusque than usual, which was quite an accomplishment. Juno got the distinct impression there was a lot that he wasn't telling them, especially exactly why they were here in the first place. Ra'as al Ghul was one of the most dangerous people alive, an op like this would usually take weeks of planning and preparation and that was with a proven and experienced team, not a collection of misfits. They were not even a month away from their first disaster as a team and they were working with three new bloods. No intel, no support, and next to no plan. She doubted very much that Batman would let them do this. As her brother might have said, there was a disturbance in the force. Juno fought down the first bite of anxiety and scolded herself. She'd wrench out the truth from Fenris later, no need to undermine his authority in front of the newbies. Especially since he'd just started to trust her with her own squad. At least it was a good idea to put Twilight with Quantum. They were the two heavy-weights on the team, together they could give the League a swift and hard kick in the pants. She wasn't as sure about Domini, but she looked marginally useful. Twilight took time to admire the grandeur of the temple as the team disembarked. Juno felt apprehensive seeing Belle leave, but obviously keeping her penned up did no good. And Juno was definitely not spending two days fixing the cruiser two weeks after she just finished fixing it the first time. She was more than happy to see Warpath go though. He'd be of little use on their assignment and she really didn't want to be anywhere near him, and let their rivalry flare up again. Twilight steered the cruiser over to the other side of the temple, preparing her little surprise for the League. She'd made quite a number of upgrades to the cruiser's systems, especially weapons and defense systems. One of them was the addition of a cargo bay to drop supplies and ordnance from. Including the two 6,000 pound JDAMs she snagged from some of her mom's military contacts. Juno did a flyby over the temple, the cruiser near silent thanks to her modifications to its propulsion systems. She took one more admiring look at the architecture before shrugging, "Oh well." She pressed the big red button and the bomb bay opened to drop the JDAM, "From me to you Ra'as." The bomb whistled through the air and [url=]then, the cruiser was rocked back by a huge shockwave as fire consumed a huge swath of the temple, raining down stone and rubble.[/url] Distraction accomplished. Juno circled back around and let loose with the twin six-barreled miniguns firing HEIAP rounds. High Explosive/Incendiary/Armor Piercing rounds, they would penetrate through almost anything before exploding in a fiery blaze. It made short work of any League assassins tagged by them and even more sections of the temple were torn apart by the high-impact barrage. Periodically Juno fired a volley of smart missiles, which would separate into six child warheads before exploding as cluster bombs designed to do maximum structural damage. If this didn't catch their attention nothing would. Juno was oddly serene as she kept firing on the temple, paying little mind to the men and women who were dying by the swath. She had little sympathy for the trained killers and one less assassin alive was at least one more innocent who would be spared. Pressing another button, the cruiser fired several canisters of smoke into the ruins, obscuring the view of anyone on the ground but allowing the cruiser's enhanced optics to cut through the smoke, all their enemies outlined in red. She began weaving the craft from side to side to dodge the rockets, deftly avoiding the wildly fired projectiles. Any that came close were either destroyed by the trophy system she installed or exploded against the upgraded energy shield. Juno began humming as she watched the temple go up in flames. Juno called out when Domini exited the ship without orders to do so. She sighed, another maverick of course, Juno swiveled the guns to tear up the men who shot at her. She also saw the man-bats and gestured to Quantum, "Get out there and give the newbie a hand. And take care of those man-bats." She wanted to go out there, and the auto-pilot should be able to handle itself very well, but she would monitor the situation better from here. Quantum and Domini could handle it, she'd step in if she had to. So far so good on her end, but according she heard a lot of commotion on the other channel. Sounds like the team ran into some opposition. Hopefully they'd take Ra'as captive soon and bug out before they were hilariously outnumbered and outgunned. Juno flicked through the playlist she had downloaded and hit [url=]play, as the gunship fired another volley of ordnance from the grenade launchers, they landed on the ground and extended into minature speakers, blasting the song and adding to the confusion of smoke and explosions and screams.[/url] A display on her HUD was counting the number of downed enemies and it was steadily growing at a respectable pace. So far so good.