[quote=@Kronshi] I would be happy to join this but sometimes I run out of things to say, so for the sake of continuing my character's story I sometimes have short posts. If your definition of a paragraph is 3-5 sentences then I can pull it off but if it's more like 5-7 then I may fall short here and there. If that's ok then I will fill out a character sheet right away, if not then I apologize for wasting your time. -P.S. I am extremely loyal to my RP's, I usually don't quit on one unless they are 3-4 weeks in without any posts. I also will not be able to post on Fridays or Saturdays. Thanks for your time :) [/quote] 3-5 sentences is good! ^^ From what i have learned in school that enough to make one paragraph so good! Also glad you are insteared in this! its fine though about friday and saturday! you have a life....unlike me...>.> so do what you have to do! [quote=@LowKey123] SO MUCH PERSONA . . . I LOVE IT interested in this rp. [/quote] You can say i am a big fan of persona....hehehehehe.....yay!