"Why I am Amazing" NAME : Aella Arcane [Hider=Aella][IMG]http://cdn-imageresize.mocospace.com/servlet/ImageResizeServlet?cq=-1&as=t&q=8&cd=-1&w=432&h=450&f=photoalbum_454216332_user43584514-1-jpg.jpg[/IMG][/Hider] BLOODLINE : Pureblood AGE : 16 YEAR : 6 HOUSE : SLYTHERIN BIO : Born in Wales in the family manor "Mountain Flower" on the summit of Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) to Gwyner and Loff Arcane. Her mother is 74 and her father 92. Both parents remained neutral during the wizarding wars preferring instead to isolate themselves behind the walls of their palatial manor. Aella is the youngest child of the Arcane Family. She has three siblings the youngest of which is 25 years her senior. Raised by servants and treated as an unwanted burden Aella has little love of her family as she's very much raised herself. The Arcanes are a wealthy family who claim descent from the Moragan and Royalty. The former there is no proof to support but the latter is documented though their kingdom was quite small. Aella's siblings are two witches and a wizard. Their names are Braggia (46), Gertrude (41) and Uthor (53). Uthor is in Azkaban for the import of forbidden items, Braggia is the wife of Ceril Green and Gertrude owns an auction house that does objects of magic or magical history.. Her siblings view her as an intruder but have never gone out of their way to torment, control or rid themselves of. To do so would mean that they've actually noticed Aella. At school she's been a different sort of Slytherin who doesn't use fear as a tool but by understanding those around her by careful observation and an unusual empathy usually absent in her housemates. Also unlike her sisters of the serpent has thrown herself into presenting herself as helpful to the teachers and staff. None can recall Aella ever using magic to torment weaker students in fact coming to the defense of a few. This is not to say that Aella has never used magic on anyone for she has and does when she's offended with her favorite spells being charms followed by hexes.. Her parents while distant are demanding always expecting Aella to conform to their every command. During the summer break she has been tutored since she was 11 by various wizards and witches making Hogwarts a chance to relax for her. PERSONALITY : Aella is ambitious as well as driven to succeed so that she may escape her family and it's control on her. She hates potions classes saying if she needs to cook she'll hire one which explains why her grades are only good enough to pass. In DADA and Charms she is obsessive about owning every book she can find no matter the price or questionable origins. Rebellious against her parents she has actually cultivated a taste for many forms of Muggle Music often times playing them on her piano or one of many boom box systems she hides around the manor and grounds. Aella has always loved annoying her parents sensibilities and even embarrassing them in front of guests once going so far as inviting muggle boy to dinner who had the memory erased from his mind. Aella began keeping spiders as pets because of her mother's fear of arachnids then becoming fascinated by them and collecting 100s of them. This caused her mom so much worry she moved Aella to the farthest wing of the manor and never steps foot on her floor. She causes her father concern by stretching her expenses and being seen with both muggle girls and boys. Vindictive Aella rarely acts suddenly unless forced to instead preferring a calculated stealth attack. Once committed to the attack though she is brutally efficient and sadistic. Wand:[Hider= Willow](neutral wood, the stronger the will, the more effective the spells.)[/Hider] 9 an 3/4 inches slender and flexible. Core [Hider=Sphinx Hair] (useful for charms and jinxes[/Hider] Patronus : Blaidd (Wolf) Spider Hobbies: Caring for and breeding of Spiders, Reading and researching Hexes, Music (Piano, Singing), People watching and book collecting. Pets: [hider=Nos Cysgodol][IMG]http://media.tumblr.com/03a515ae853535a4e33bb2a1c656904b/tumblr_inline_mty818U1rY1r8h8t0.jpg[/IMG] (Night Shadow) which is a species of Tarantula from Asia that has a 7 to 9 inch leg span and are called "The Peacock Spider"[/Hider] Personal possessions: 1 Hatch & Mortimus Witch's Steamer Trunk 4.5 x 3 x 2.5 ft. (Exterior) 12 x 6.5 x 8 ft. (Interior) 1 Featherlight book bracelet that reduces books to the size of charm bracelet charms which can be then hung from the bracelet (32 books) Classes: Charms Transfiguration Care of Magical Creatures Study of Ancient Runes History of Magic. Ghoul Studies Relationships: I'd love to have at least a friend NPCs: I'd love to write up a Teacher for Ghoul Studies [H1][Color=Red]NPC PROFESSOR OXYNTE[/Color][/H1] [Hider=MISS NIGHT][Center][Color=lightsteelblue][H1][B][U]GHOUL STUDIES[/U][/B][/H1][/Color] [IMG]http://cdn-imageresize.mocospace.com/servlet/ImageResizeServlet?cq=-1&as=t&q=8&cd=-1&w=432&h=450&f=photoalbum_454311139_user43584514-1-jpg.jpg[/IMG] [Color=LightSeaGreen][H1]PROFESSOR[/H1][/Color] [Color=WhiteSmoke][H2]Acantha Oxynte[/H2][/Color] (Afectionatly Known As Miss Night)[/Center] [/Hider] AGE : 25 (But is actually much older) CLASS : Ghoul Studies (This is an elective and takes place shortly after nightfall.) SCHOOLING : (Primary) Koldovstoretz school of Witch Craft and Wizardry (Specialized) Euro-Glyph School of Extraordinary Languages Bio : Born somewhere in Greece around 1949 Acantha was what was known as a temple child because her mother was the Last High Priestess of Hecate and her father unknown. Conceived to be her mother's sucessor Acantha's destiny changed in a senseless attack which left her an Orphan and destroyed the temple she'd called home for her first nine years of life. Raised by an Aunt who was barely related to her Acantha was and still is watched over by her mother's ghost and is the reason she is considered one of the Wizarding World's experts on Ghosts, Specters, Spirits and Poltergeist.. [Hider=Arachne][IMG]http://pictures.4ever.eu/data/download/cartoons/dark-arts/ghost,-dark-woman-159745.jpg[/IMG][/Hider] She attended Koldovstoretz in Russia where she proved a quick learner but a problem because of her ability to call Ghosts to herself. Still even with all of Acantha's Spectral troubles she graduated in the upper 10% of her class and went on to study Euro-Glyph School of Extraordinary Languages in Paris France. Also an expert maker of potions it is known by a few that Acantha has discovered a potion to slow aging or that is at least the suspicion which is why her actual age doesn't match her perceived age. Sought out by the Death Eaters in the first war Acantha became their enemy for refusing to join them and actually aiding those against them. And in the lull between wars Acantha made friends with Minerva McGonagall who later asked her to become the former Ghouls teacher's replacement. She has written 23 books on the various types of Ghosts, Specters and Poltergeist her most famous "The Fetters that Bind and The Dead have Feelings" she also has written 9 books on deciphering the texts of antiquity. PERSONALITY : Acantha is in simple terms spooky many claiming they get a chill whenever she's near, this could be due to the fact that she is always accompanied by a Ghost or just nerves. She's most definitely a night person who's rarely seen out in daylight and when she is she wears dark glasses and a large hat. Friendly unless angered Acantha can become a powerful foe who's mastery of spirit magic can summon an army of Ghosts to her aid. Patient and thoughtful she genuinely enjoys teaching often helping her students in classes outside of her own. WAND : [Hider= Willow](neutral wood, the stronger the will, the more effective the spells.)[/Hider] 11 inches slender and flexible. Core [Hider=Shred of Lethifold Cape] (Extremly Useful for Dark Arts and Stunning)[/Hider] PATRONUS : A Huge Cerberus HOBBIES : Writing, Training animals of various type (Most often Dogs or Wolves) PET : [hider=Jager] A Large snow white Irish Wolfhound who can rest his paws on Hagrid's shoulders and look him in the eyes[/Hider] [Hider=Ghoul Studies]Deep in the dungeons of Hogwarts is found the Serpentine Hall and the classroom of Ghoul Studies. Serpentine Hall not properly part of the Dungeons but the entrance to the Catacombs but by Salazar Slytherin in the tenth century. The hall is home to some of Hogwarts most beautiful stonework and sculpted art. But like many such places it is a facade that hides behind it's beauty many secrets in the Catacombs of Hogwarts. This lonely hall is the place quoted in the legend of horrors that the older students and siblings use to frighten and astound. It is haunted by ghosts which names are known to only other ghosts and of Course the Professor of Ghoul Studies Miss Oxyntes (Pronounced Ox y nite though some few students call her Miss Night) The quiet Miss Night is almost never seen above ground in daylight and at night seen more outdoors except on rare occasions at Feasts or important school functions. When she speaks people must strain to hear her but she has demonstrated either an ability or spell that emits a scream equal to a Banshee's which she used to drive back a group of three direwolves that had wandered on campus. Her quarters are off her classroom and were once an abandoned crypt built for one of the Heirs of Slytherin and are twice as spacious as those of the other professors. (The only draw back is no view.) The Ghoul Studies class is conducted in the catacombs themselves but has as it's actual classroom is a small amphitheater who's lectern sets recessed into a natural half dome of Large crystals. The students desks are spacious and even described as comfy and sit 3-6-12-28 on each level. Four seats are occupied permanently, 2 on the highest level with 1 each on levels 2 an 3. ( 1 Mummy and a Skeleton top level, 1 Ghoul on the third and a former student's ghost on the second level) The Ghoul Studies class at present has only four registered students. (Aella Arcane 6th year Slytherin. Bella Sinclair 5th year Ravenclaw, 4th year Ravenclaw and Horace Uthur 166th year At Large former Gryffindor 7th year) Class begins exactly two hours after dark or evening meal in the long nights of winter. Usually Miss Night tells her class the history of the area they'll visit that night or the legends of the ghosts they might encounter. Sometimes though Miss Night's mother and a ghost takes over teaching a portion of the course mother and daughter call practical questions and answers. No one his sure what Miss night does on those night's which she doesn't appear to teach. Once a month Miss Night locks the students in a catacomb section where Peeves is allowed to play with them anyway he wishes so long as they are not harmed. ( Feel free to try magic on Peeves but be warned that he's resisted many attempts to expel him and a couple of those that tried had to leave the school shortly afterwards.)[/Hider] [Center][H2][Color=Yellow]"SHE'S SO AMAZING"[/Color][/H2][/Center]