[quote=@LowKey123] [hider=lel] [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/075/9/1/touhou_render_by_serenityaesis-d4swkwz.png]here ya gooo[/url] Name: Marcia Germano. Nickname: Marci. Species: Human Age: 18 Sex: Female. Job: Student. Powers: Ice is nice, but it isn't rice. Still, its the power she has so meh. She can create weapons with ice (her weapon of choice is a throwing knife), but this depends on the temperature, and a bit on the seasons. If it is hot (aka during the summer), her weapons will obviously melt with the more force she throws, but they also become blunt whenever she throws them, and they travel slower, which is bad, as she uses throwing knives. She is also less accurate. If it is during autumn, which is more cold than hot, her knives become sharper, they go faster when thrown, and she is a bit more accurate. If it is during winter, her knives are the sharpest they could be, they don't go too fast, about fast enough to be dodged by most people, but she can make much more than during any other season, and she is very accurate. Not 100%, but around 80% of the time the knives go where she wants. If it is spring, the knives become a lot blunter than winter, almost like summer, she is less accurate and the knives travel almost as slow as in summer. Weaknesses: Fire. [s]thecoldneverbotheredheranyway[/s] She prefers the cold over the warm. Personality: Marci is pretty intelligent. She often has an excuse for most of the things that she does, maybe it could be 'business related' or revenge, even. Marci also enjoys messing with people like her roommates. On the exterior, Marci can seem very cold (HAHAHAHAHANAN shoot me) and unforgiving, though if anybody actually bothered to get to know her, she is quite the opposite. Due to her enjoyment of playing around, she can be seen as playful and friendly, but only around her friends. In public, she can put on a whole different mask and be a super serious, school-focused individual. She also likes pulling off little pranks in order to get her friends in trouble, because that's how she's like. Warm and playful on the inside, but ice (ice baby HAHAHAH shoot me again pls) cold (wow just put a whole clip in me) on the outside. She's also a softie. Skills: Archery, throwing knives (so surprising) Hobbies: She enjoys playing around with her knives when she gets bored. Background: Her parents, her parents' parents, her parents' parents' parents had all had a special power related to an element. The element actually depended on the parents of the child. If it was water and water, like how it was with Marcia, the child would use ice. However, that was just in her family. Her parents knew that she would be able to utilize ice, just not in what way. They were prepared for it, however. At the age of about 6, she actually figured out she had powers, and then her parents took notes about when it was most powerful or least powerful. So, they gave the now 11 Marcia these notes, and helped her with accuracy and archery and other such things she was interested in to help her with her power. They had decided that Orean Cause would help Marcia more than they would, so she enrolled in the school and was actually accepted. At first, she was a bit sad she was going to be separated from her parents, but then reassured herself that this was going to be for the better. That's basically the short story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optionals: has a maaaasive sweet tooth. She can also bite into ice and eat it like it's nothing. She also prefers to dress lightly in the winter. likes gais n gals Likes: Cold, sweets, rice, archery, knives, cooking, winter, autumn. Dislikes: Warm, sour stuff, guns, spring, summer. Theme song: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InqAHdxkTHk[/youtube] Clubs: if I knew the clubs I would say. Dreams: Leading a slightly normal life. Also wants to test food. Lots.[/hider] [/quote] I fell asleep so sorry. She looks pretty good, mind to change the link of the pic into the actual link? Also luckily not reminds me of frozen...ish the puns... hahahaah She is pretty good! Marci is accepted. I have to get my co-gm,s here to check the Cs as well.