[u][b]Eri Ogako[/b][/u] She waited in the shadows, listening to the fighting meters from her. A Halfing of some sort was fighting many others and was fighting frantically, then it turned and ran when it killed it's pursuers. Eri followed, jumping from tree branch to tree branch as the Halfing was running in the forest tripping over itself. It knew that Eri was stocking it and the fear it felt was in the air, but it only fueled Eri more. It fell once again, but this time got it's foot stuck under the root. Eri took the chance and jumped down, making the Ursa Halfing frantically claw roots "Eri, wait, please dont do this, you know just as well as I do that you want out...Please please lets just run away together?" silence filled the air as Eri moved across the ground towards him straight faced "Er-" she unsheathed one of her Katana's and quickly went towards it's neck. Suddenly Eri woke up, her heart racing and she looked around desperately. She began slowing her breathing and put her hands through her hair, her fox ears going down. She looked at the window of the inn and she stood, her long shirt covering her body and going past her knees waving as her tail started wagging from side to side, going to the bathroom in the room. She filled the altar looking sink and splashed water in her face, getting her mind off the dream [i]"It's just a job...it's just a job..."[/i] she spoke flat toned to herself. But suddenly she felt the building shaking below her, turning she quickly walked out the bathroom and to the window, leaning out as an object began roaring over head. Her eyes widened as she saw what was inside the flaming ball and she quickly shut the window and started taking her sleeping shirt off. Putting on her armor, she tried to stay calm "White scales...white scales...there's no way..." her body shook in anticipation. Grabbing her two Katana's she put them in the X holder in the middle of her back and then walked out, her tail moving quickly. Walking down the stairs, she walked towards the desk and payed for a couple more days "Something come up?" the Inn Master looked at her with a raised eye brow. "Yeah but...I'm not sure so I gotta stay a while longer, is this fine with you?" the Inn master shrugged and went to grab Eri's bag. From the back room the women spoke "Not really, you pay well, as you always have, so it's fine with me. Just as I always say, dont bring trouble here, got that?" she walked out and put the bag on the counter. Eri nodded and took the bag, pulling out a pouch and paying the Inn Master, she walked out into the street and thought about what to do. It could have been her imagination, but if it hadn't, that thing would have landed by now. Which would cause people to be brought to it's attention, meaning that what was inside would be brought or come here on it's own accord. She looked at the bar [i]"Dont jump the gun, let it come to you if it's really them...Dad will contact you if it's really that..."[/i] she thought to herself as she was brought back out of her thought process by the yelling of a man behind her. "Hey, fox-child move out the damn way! People are trying to walk here!" She moved backwards as the angry human walked past her carrying a wood contraption of some sort with help. She turned on her heels [i]"It's decided just wait it out"[/i] she started off towards bar...until she felt something being thrown towards her. Turning, she caught an arrow inches from her knee, dropping it and looking at the man in front of her "You are Eri, The Star Breathers Bounty Hunter?" His bow was drawn and aimed at Eri as he said. "And if it is?" her monotone voice and straight face made the man shudder slightly. "You killed my family a little whiles back, so I'm going to have a bit of closure by killing yo-" She disappeared suddenly and reappeared behind him, sheathing her blade and the man instantly fell to the ground, bleeding profusely. A soldier of the town quickly pointed his sword at Eri. She simply pulled off her bag and grabbed a flier for the mans death, turning on her heels, she started back towards the bar. The soldier looked at her, before going to the man and starting to collect the body "guess that answered his question..." the soldier said jokingly. Eri entered the bar and quickly got cold looks from half in the room. She walked towards the bar and took a seat next to a oddly colored girl, but she seemed like alright company, the kind that didn't want to talk. Putting her katana's up against the bar top, she took a seat and the bartender slid a cup at her "Same thing as always?" the man looked at her and she nodded. He filled her drink as her hands slowly stopped shaking, she hated her job with a passion. Her fox ears lowered as she leaned against the bar and looked over at the girl "Are you new around here? Dont see to many of you guys around" Eri took a swig of the yellow looking liquid and looked back at the girl "You dont have to answer just wondering" she was typically cold towards others, but she was trying to get her mind off the man.