[quote=@64-Hit Combo] So I had a thought, and figured I'd run it by everyone here before putting it into practice: In Light's introduction post, it was implied she'd killed a rookie from the academy. I was thinking it'd be interesting if Kaede knew that 'newbie' and has a reason to hold a personal grudge. Whether or not the Gotei 13 (and Kaede herself) knows who the killer was doesn't matter so much; it could still be an unresolved incident, but it'd give something to build off of. [/quote] Eh, she was very vague about the whole thing in her inner monologue so it could be for any number of reasons. Plus she can just bring up the racism card and get lots of mileage out of that one. I'm fine with it, but since I made it so vague, the situation could've been anything from Light did it to they tripped down some stairs and Light was there or something.