[h1][color=greenyellow]Tyler[/color] & [color=sienna]Ursula[/color][/h1] [hr] [@Stairdweller] Tyler jumped at the sudden activity and the sound of speech. Backup arrived quicker than he had thought. He turned with his head hung low, hood shadowing his face. [color=greenyellow]"Never quite... noticed it, myself."[/color] His words were drawn out and harsh as they came through his jagged, toothy mouth. He twitched in the jowls as he refrained from making note on his lack of olfactory instruments. The fluid bubbling and pulsing beneath his skin was beginning to intensify slowly. Where had he seen this girl's face before? Just a few minutes ago, wasn't it? Yes, this was the woman who tried to make small talk when he was having his meal earlier, his new partner. He spoke with the tone of a struggling, car engine, [color=greenyellow]"Ahhh, Nora is it? Yes... I remember you. I'm... Tyler. You caught me... with a full plate... so to speak."[/color] A gurgling chuckle. A disgusting noise. A sound of slithering along the catwalk made Tyler turn once more and shudder slightly, those things, the searchlight beasts, they were still patrolling the catwalks in search of more things to turn into fine dust. He raised a four-digit hand and made a 'get down' gesture. [color=greenyellow]"We'll have... more time for talking... later. For now, we have to... get around... these... things."[/color] He thumbed out over to the catwalk where the roving lights could be seen within the darkness. [color=greenyellow]"From what I've seen... we'll want to stay out of the light."[/color] He rasped before stepping out onto the catwalk slowly, his flat-toed mechanical food slowly coming down with a whir. One foot after the other he walked, slowly advancing in search of an exit. Periodically some luminous green liquid would seep from his hands, hitting the floor below and sizzling there, sending up a small wisp of smoke. With an exasperated groan, he crouches a few meters from an intersection in the walkways and curses under his strained breath. [color=greenyellow]"I can't see... a damn thing. Goddamn... caution lights just don't... exist here.[/color]" His breathing was heavy as his milky-white eyes strained against the shadow. [color=greenyellow]"Not a damn... thing like a torch or a... flashlight."[/color] He pats down his tattered rags and sighs in despair, a labored sound of struggle. How the hell would they get through here if it might all be one big empty space? [hr] [@SepticGentleman] [@GingerBoi123] Ursula nodded before Elias was cut off. She knocked on her own skull, her opalescent skin shattering and reforming with the shockwaves of each impact of her knuckles. [color=sienna]"Hello? You still there, Mr. Elias? You going through a tunnel or something, what is the deal?"[/color] She heard mention of Malcolm, thankfully a familiar name. With a look around the workshop she nodded. [color=sienna]"Okay so I'll just head over to him then. Where is he?"[/color] The background noises were cluing her in somewhat. Asses being kicked, going back in, weapons. She could only assume that someone had been served a heaping helping of pain once more. The mention of the Foreman made her tilt her head. [color=sienna]"So he's coming here now? Got an appointment with the nutty professor here?"[/color] She spared a look over to the Foreman and found him to be staring back at her, waving his arms angrily and warbling in his strange, alien tongue. Ursula could not help but giggle. What a funny little Denizen he was. Speaking of little, she forgot that her height was so different in her REM form. After being in her Nexus form, the difference was even more apparent. She shook with excitement at the prospect of getting back out there into the action. Though she may have been aversive to violence, the adrenaline rush of running around and pursuit was hard to ignore. The chase being its own reward, as they said. Ursula felt her eyes once again being drawn back to the blueprints that lay scattered about the workshop. Weapons, she overheard, but these kinds of weapons, she did not expect. Axes and swords, yes. But lasers and drills and cannons? What was this Foreman thinking? Something she would need to find out. She turned, taking a long-legged step over to the Denizen and tapping him on the shoulder before pointing to the blueprints. [color=sienna]"So, what is it that you have planned for these?"[/color]