[center][img]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31500000/Jericho-jericho-from-teen-titans-31511797-500-320.gif[/img][/center] As the rest of the costumed teenagers pottered around the hall around him, Jericho began to have a look at his new team. They truly were and odd bunch, yet Jericho had to note that he himself wasn't exactly normal. Judging by the strange and bizarre appearances, he was surprised to find himself in the presence of two aliens. After everything that had happened to him recently though, it didn't shock him as much as it would have previously. It even took him another few seconds to remember that Supergirl too was an extra terrestrial, along with the big guy in blue himself. They looked fairly "normal" compared to these two though. One, Starfire he believed if he remembered Batman's list correctly, was one of the most beautiful people he had ever seen, with her orange skin and hair seemingly radiating a sense of happiness. The other, was the absolute opposite. Slobo as he was apparently called was by the looks of it a complete slob, with the guy sporting an outfit you'd probably expect to see a member of a rock band wearing. Although Joey had to admit that he found the character's unique personality fairly entertaining. Another of the group, Jericho could only assume was some kind of magician judging by his outfit and the argument he seemed to be having with the young speedster. Joey had to admit the guy was kind of handsome. He smiled, entertained by the two bickering before moving on with his attention. His eyes fells upon a young blonde girl carrying some sort of staff. Stargirl. He recognized her from an old news broadcast he had seen a few months back. Judging by what he had seen, she was certainly qualified for this! Next he spotted the group's resident Robin Hood. From what he had heard from Black Canary, Speedy certainly isn't a joke, despite what one may think of a guy who used a bow and arrow. If Canary was impressed with him, then he had to be good! Cyclone was another hero he had heard of previously. Her name was a clear indicator of what she could do, and Jericho was looking forward to see it in action. That was another thing that Jericho loved about becoming a "hero". The powers! As a boy he could only imagine what it was like to be surrounded by some of the most powerful people on the planet, and now he really was! His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Nightwing, who slowly approached Joey. He was surprised to see that the former Robin knew sign language, with Joey having worried previously that nobody on the team would be able to understand him. He beamed happily at him as he replied. "I Jericho. It is pleasure to meet you as well. You can call me Joey." He signed. After a while, the noise of the group died down and Nightwing began giving them a speech. Joey was surprised. He had assumed that the original team members would have known about them all joining, with a part of him feeling bad at the thought that he may be intruding on something sacred to the four. He watched in silence as Speedy as for a drinking, taking a few seconds to peer around the room for anything that resembled a drinking fountain for the fellow teen. His attentions went back to Cyclone who was proving to be the exact opposite of himself. He opened his mouth to laugh, only to find no sound come from it, only a slight feeling of pain. That was probably one of the worse parts. Forgetting that you're a mute, that is. Recovering quickly, he instead simply gave her a smile, before quickly signing "I do not have any friends either, if it helps", not knowing whether she would understand or even notice him over everyone else speaking.