[hider=Rynek Darion][centre] [hider=Appearance][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/ccc6/f/2015/078/3/f/3f5c25db3780afd007aa588421e0c009-d8mascv.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Armour][img]http://cp14.nevsepic.com.ua/214/21343/1385302730-815_max.jpg[/img][/hider] [h2]Prince Rynek Darion[/h2] [b]Race:[/b] Drakken [b]Age:[/b] 146 [b]Element(s):[/b] Fire Wind [b]Height:[/b] 6'7" [b]Bio:[/b] It was said that the Drakken throne had been built on the bones of thousands of their enemies, sacrificed to the Old Gods when the wicked thing was formed. Rynek would have been envious of his brother who was destined to sit atop it if it wasn't for the fact that Rynek had already made his peace with the dead - it was the living he craved. There's an art to killing that can't be ignored. The thick stench of death that airs the nose, the screams of dying men that enlightens the ears, the weight of a blood-drenched blade that has all cower before you and the pleasure of taking a whore straight after killing; devine. Of course, if whores are in short supply, men nearly always have wives and daughters. It's the job of the king to rule and the job of his brothers to issue his justice with blood and steel. Rynek himself was a weak thing at birth, a shame to his family. Thankfully, he wasn't slaughtered as his true powers revealed themselves only a few short years later. The boy was a vicious bastard with little to no care of others and his fighting displayed a cunning that outweighed that of even the harshest of Drakken fighters. He didn't have an ounce of honour but by damn was he a fine killer. His people were heavy things, capable of fighting with weapons that were nearly half their size but Rynek preferred the eloquent dance of the sword. Trained for a couple of years by Wilheim the Black, considered the strongest Drakken in existence, Rynek was slowly moulded into a well-oiled killing machine with no regard who fell in front of his blade as long as [i]someone[/i] did. Over the decades as he has fought and defended the throne of his brother, he has diverged away from the typical fighting styles of the Drakken and adopted styles from the far east - styles that his brothers couldn't even begin to perceive. Abandoning his bastard sword, he had a curved blade forged and took up training in increasing his speed exponentially using his powers. Every man has fell before him all except for one - his mentor Wilheim the Black. Being the only man to ever land a hit on the legendary warrior, Rynek has been placed as the second strongest Drakkan alive and is just as dreaded by his enemies. Despite his... psychopathic tendencies, his anger and lust for battle can quickly fade if he finds a pretty enough girl. Of course, she has to keep things entertaining or it typically won't end well for her. As of now, Rynek is only returning from a long trek to the South to crush a king who thought that he could harass their southern borders. The war was long with well over five years of absence from the Prince. [b]Other:[/b] Was rumoured to have urged his father to obliterate the Gemminite nation after hearing of the beauty of a princess there. One of the few Drakkens with a sense of humour - although a brutal one at that. [/centre][/hider]