[u][b]Eri Ogako[/b][/u] She looked at Sylvia, making a half attempted smile "Nice to make your acquaintance, I'm Eri" she attempted to go for her hand before a dark elf came by and Sylvia moved her hand back, making Eri sit there awkwardly. The girl mentioned seeing something falling out of the sky and Eri silently thought for a moment "It was most likely one of the aftermaths from a guild battle, around here that's pretty common, Annos Dorei is typically in the middle of it as well. Bounty hunters make a killing around this part during the Guild Season" she slid a coin across the counter and the Bartender he filled her drink up. She asked for two more of her companions and he slid their drinks towards them "Best to sit back and wait for the fun to come to town, nice to meet you?" she motioned toward the dark elf waiting for a name of sorts to come up. Across the way a gang of men started to enter the bar again, causing a bit of a ruckus but for the most part left the three alone. Though it seemed they were ordering a number of drinks that would be ample amounts of trouble with a gang like this, maybe the fun would be coming earlier then she thought.