Alver listened as Amy explained her side of the problems, frowning a little. He didn't quite get why such assholes would pick on a mother and a child. Wasn't evwn Her bloody fault for getting knocked up. And they would probably bitch if she, thankfully didn't since Jackson was a sweetie, had a abortion. Apparently these townsfolk were just impossible to please. It was irritating as all hell. Especially when it's just a kid being picked on like Jackson. Glancing his lavender gaze toward the mother at her words of albinism, he snorted. [color=plum]"Kids are either too ignorant or watch too many horror movies. The adults are either dumdums and superstitious, or just don't like how different I look. Too white, too tall, too skinny, too weirdly colored eyes. Vampy."[/color] he shrugged a little with a mild grumble. [color=plum]"It's fine I suppose. I hardly get picked on as much since no one likes staying up after dark."[/color] Alver said before looking to Aaron as he made his response to Amy and gave everyone a piece of paper. The pale boy took his piece and examined it for a moment before blankly looking to the other but smaller male. [color=plum]"I'm flattered, but you're quite the quick one Mr. Charmer."[/color] Alver said in a casual non-chalant tone before simply showing a joking grin and looking at the piece of paper before taking a finishing bite of his food and looking at the dark sky. [color=plum]"Mhm it's getting a little late."[/color] he murmured.