Penelope gave a small nod and headed out of the room. She walked silently, with her hand lightly resting against the hilt of her sword. During their run in with attackers, she had definitely missed it's presence at her side. She glanced over at him as he began to question her, giving a small shrug. "Well... My father and my brother are both knights as well. My mother died not long after I was born so they raised me on their own. I suppose I just picked up the life style from them. I never really thought about being anything else than a knight." she admitted truthfully. She looked ahead as they walked, her gaze seemed a bit distant now as she thought about her reasoning for choosing to become a knight. "I may have only served as a knight for a short time now but I've been training since I was young. Unlike most, my father thought I'd be more useful as a fighter than some housewife. And I can't say I disagree with him." Penelope added with a faint smirk of pride. Penelope slowed her pace slightly, becoming a bit more interested in the conversation now. She had been wanting to ask him a similar question. "Alright, my turn then, what lead you to becoming a thief?" she asked with similar curiosity. It was something she had always been naturally curious about but never had the opportunity, or patience, to ask any thief she had come across.