Angelo had his forces charge into the battlefield with renewed vigor Angelo soon following suit as a messenger informed him that the enemy flank was already taken by their allied forces and this cemented Angelo as the victor today as he told on of his captains to reinforce the right flank and bust through the walls as the main force breaks through the front. Soon Angelo joined in the fray and as a result he was fighting his heart out for his people as they charged the gates while the forces he sent to the flank were literally busting down the fortress wall with a battering ram and forcing their way in. Angelo charged with the main force effectively making his brothers forces retreat into the fortress. This moment of retreat was short lived as Angelo forced had the front gate opened and made a line to hold then Angelo main force as one would say "shut off escape and smash the enemies against the stone". Angelo's forces then regrouped when they took down the retreating forces and Angelo fought with his people inside the fortress until they got to the command center where his brother was hiding or rather just waiting. [color=green] Its over brother give up and ill accept your surrender[/color] Angelo's brother laughed [color=red] simply because I have lost my forces doesn't mean I wont fight you with everything I have[/color] he called out as he pulled out his duel swords and pointed one at Angelo as a challenge [color=red] come on little brother show me you have what it takes[/color] He challenged and as much as Angelo knew this was pointless it denying would mean he would be portrayed as a cowered in future generations so Angelo told his forces to keep back as Angelo and his brother began their duel. Lorenzo was the first to attack and with duel swords he was faster then one would expect from his heavy frame but Angelo was steadfast and made sure to hold keeping his shield up to defend against the blows that followed. Then when Angelo saw an opening he dashed to the side keeping his shield up then thrusting his sword which while surprising only resulted in him giving his brother a scratch on his shoulder [color=red] looks like someone has been practicing[/color] he said laughing a little as the duel went on from their trading blows and Angelo staying on the defensive with his brothers speed but once he noticed his brother getting tired after a few moments he charged in and used a shield bash to get his brother off balance and effectively cut his arms deep enough that Lorenzo dropped his swords and make him drop to his knees his Angelo pointing his sword to his brothers neck and Lorenzo simply laughed smiling with a sad but proud smile [color=red] guess you have gotten better[/color] Angelo gave a small nod [color=green] I don't want to kill you, but you must relinquish all claims to the throne now and forever.[/color] Lorenzo laughed and nodded slightly knowing he was beat fairly and to do so otherwise would have tainted his honor [color=red] I Lorenzo, herby swear fealty to our new emperor Angelo and I relinquish all ties to the throne[/color] Then Angelo supporters cheered loudly knowing the battle has been won...