Kassy had started to feel a bit better after finding the cafeteria and downing a dose of pills with several glasses of water. The announcement for a meeting echoed overhead, so she followed the lights to the briefing room. It was a crowded path, and she had to clear her throat several times while traversing. Many people were looking down at the lights as if the path would vanish if they didn't. How did these creatures navigate? Honestly, they'd be quite lost in the water. Upon reaching the room, she tried to look for an open space so that she wouldn't be in anyone's way. She wound up whirring the tank to the bench beside Mr. Kaite. Was she imagining it, or did he look more worried than he had? "Mr. Kaite, I hope you're feeling better." She addressed him with a nod and a smile. Always give positivity. To tell someone they looked ill would plant that seed in their minds, and probably make them feel more ill than they actually were.