Awww I fall asleep at my comp and miss all the fun. *cries* God dam sleep why must you necessary to survive? Edit: Alright destiny at long last and another nap I have my chara for you to look at. [hider=Ekaterina (Katya) Ozerova Romanovna ] [i]Appearance:[/i][img] [/img] She stands around 4’9 and weighs around 107.3 ibs [i]Name:[/i] Ekaterina Ozerova Romanovna [i]Nickname:[/i] Katya (to people she grants permission to only.) [i]Species:[/i] Human [i]Age:[/i] 17 (claims to be 15) [i]Gender:[/i] Female [i]Powers:[/i] [u]Spirit form:[/u] This power allows Katya to leave her psychical body and walk the world as a spirit. In this from she can walk though people and solid objects with little difficulty. In this from though Katya can't possess people only electrical objects and only with a fair amount of effort can psychically interact with the world. While in her Spirit form Katya's body becomes a lifeless shell that is protected by a barrier to keep other spirits out. Katya can stay out of her body for a long as she likes, the only factor limiting time in spirit from is that she still needs to attend to her body's needs or she'll die. [u]I see and talk to dead people:[/u] Katya can see and interact with spirits around her. She has trouble telling the difference between a spirit and real person as they nearly look the same to her. (if the spirit is in a human form and is not showing off) Spirits are somewhat common and Katya can find them wondering around doing whatever... she just forgets few can see and intact with them like she can. [u]Spirit sense:[/u] A power in it infancy, that allows Katya sense spirits nearby when she focus on trying to sense them. When the power as fully developed the power will become passive. [u]Immaterial body:[/u] An undiscovered power, that when discovered will allow Katya to make her psychical body immaterial allowing her to walk thought walls or solid objects. This will require a lot of concentration though and will tiring to use. The effect will last for a long as Katya can maintain focus. [i]Weakness: [/i] [u]A lose connection:[/u] Due to her powers Katya spirit is not so tightly bound to her body as say a normals persons. Due to this sudden surprise can cause Katya to jump out of her body. It means magic affecting spirits as full effect on her even when inside her body. [u]Phobia of peacocks:[/u] Utter the name peacock around her and watch Katya bolt out the nearest door or dive out the nearest window. These birds need to wiped off the face of the earth plain and simple. [u]Bribery:[/u] Offer Katya something she wants and she’ll more than likely go along with anything that person wants. There are certain things however no matter how much you offer her she’ll not say or do. [u]Psychically weak:[/u] Katya is not overly strong with the heaviest thing she's lifted being 24 pounds but even that was a struggle for her. [i]Skills:[/i] [u]Multilingual:[/u] Katya can speak and write in 3 Languages Russian, Japanese and English, oddly though she refuses to write in any language other than Russian. While she can speak English she struggles a little. Also he Japanese is a little rough do to her Russian accent. [u]Mathematical genius:[/u] When it comes to numbers Katya mind is most at home. She is able to work out very difficult mathematical problems inside her head with relative ease in a matter of moments. Just don’t ask her to explain how or may end up having her trying to explain the meaning of the universe, which by the way is 42. [u]Skilled Manager:[/u] Due to some grooming from her father and natural talent Katya is good at managing things, while she can't lead them... well actually out right refuses be the leader she can run things behind the scenes well. Katya also been known to apply this skills to strategy games. [i]Hobbies:[/i] Solving logic puzzles and mathematical problems, playing video games, setting things on fire, (Just don’t ask why) Drinking tea, swimming and studying things/subjects that interest her. Also reading books. [i]Personality: [/i] Katya is simply Katya and exists to amuse herself and chase down her goals. While she tends to be a reversed she is somewhat social. Who prefers interacting on small scale preferably just one person at a time. In large scale interaction or simply near to many people Katya finds she get anxious and gets over whelmed especially if there is a lot going on. A fairly cheerful girl Katya tends to have a semi-permanent smile on her face as she goes about her day. At times Katya can do random things simplify because she can and that is how she justifies it as she is simple existing and some time existing require a simple random act. She is very laid back and little well actually bothers her. But Katya dose gets annoyed at herself and things she dislikes quite quickly. She is slow to anger but once she dose get angry Katya will quickly resort to verbal abuse and violence and direct her anger at who ever happens to be closet weather they are the reason she's angry or not. Katya keeps tends to keep everyone a small distance form her emotionally always keep her her inner most feeling towards people and subjects to herself, simple stating she likes that but never explaining why. If pushed she simple get annoyed and shut down becoming quite and untalkative. She is also a little bit of pyromaniac and loves watching things burn finding fire exciting yet calming to to watch. Katya is also highly intelligent and provided she not in a large social situation is not afraid to show off how smart she is. Being a little reversed Katya dislikes talking about herself or her family, if probed enough though she will discuses things about herself, although she will refuse to talk about her family unless she had known the person for a while and are at least friends. Katya also has a much darker side to her while she dose try to hide it, at times she can be cruel, cold and sadistic. Normally it come outs in little bits like the odd thing here or there. However if she in a foul mood this side of her will come out in all it glory. When needed,focusing on something important or when playing video games Katya as becomes quite serous and will sometimes crack it if she loses. [hider=Background:] Born to a Rich and powerful Russian business man and from the moment she was born she was given the best. As a kid she lived in luxury and was loved greatly by bother parents who would do anything for her. From the day she was born. Katya as always had her powers meaning her childhood as she struggled to learn to control her powers on her own. All the while she tried to keep them hidden from her parents and be a normal child. As a kid Katya Father always tried to groom her to be more like him. Hoping one day she'd take over as head of the family and the vast business empire the family acquired since the fall of the USSR. But Katya never really took an interest in her fathers work only finding the parts with number interesting. Even on the day her father told her that the day he died she would take over the family business she never really took interest. But from that day she did start to pay more attention to what her father was trying to show her. As she grew older and learned to control her powers Katya started to spend as much time in her spirit form as in her psychical body, finding being in her body confining. As Katya turned become a teenager she started to suspected her Mother shared her powers and after mouths of sleuthing Katya confirmed her suspicions. Once she knew her mother had the same powers Katya confronted her mother demanding she explain everything. Her mother agreed to do so but somewhere he father would not hear for he was not privileged to such information. Katya's mother explained everything she knew to her which sadly wasn't a lot of information, but Katya did learn she was what was once called a Spirit Walker. Her mother did insist how ever she was human and not some kind of monster, demon or anything else but these things did exist. Just plain old human with a few abilities passed down thought the her bloodline. After her little confrontation Katya's father started to really press on her about her school and taking over for him. Which started to cause a lot of stain on there relationship as Katya still wasn't interested in learning. But she wasn't given a choice and thing become very unpleasant for her as she was made to learn things she didn't want to. It was only as she turned 17 did become too unbearable after an incident on her birthday involving her birthday cake, a bottle of vodka and a butane torch. After that day Katya decided she needed to get away from her family for a little while. So started to look at ways of doing so. In her search she heard about a Orean Cause a public school that according to the information she could find on it was a very good school. Thinking good place to continue her study in a school she thought would considered acceptable she asked if she could attended. Oddly enough as if knowing she needed a break her father deiced to let her attend. Mere days after being told she could go Katya found herself leaving her home for the school. [/hider] [i]Optional: [/i] For a reason only known to her Katya carries around a white orb on her at all time, that she is highly possessive over and will not allow anyone to touch. Katya has a habit of talking to herself when thinking about something. [i]Likes:[/i] Video Games (RTS are her favorite) Reading, Math, Hot days, Fire, Cats, Music, History [i]Dislikes:[/i] Vacuums and Vacuum like objects, Moths, Cold days, Birds, Snow, People taller then 6ft [i]Theme song: [/i] [url=]Pre-Parade[/url] [i]Clubs: [/i] Gaming club and Fencing club. (could be persuaded to going the drama club with some bribery.) [i]Dreams:[/i] To simply exist and become Math teacher (she doubts she'll ever become one) [/hider] Right so here Ken I've been telling you about he's still a rough but should be okay I need to get more sleep before I can even think about cleaning the CS. [hider= Keeneth Maxwell] [i]Appearance:[/i] [hider= Human form] [img][/img] In this form Ken stands around 5'7 and weighs around 143 pounds [/hider] [hider= Lycan form] [img][/img] In this form Ken stand at 8'1 and weighs 184 pounds [/hider] [i]Name:[/i] Kenneth Maxwell [i]Nickname:[/i] Ken [i]Species:[/i] Lycan [i]Age:[/i] 436 (looks 24) [i]Gender:[/i] Male [i]Job:[/i] History and OCTD Teacher. Also teaches dose music lessons for students that ask him. [i]Powers:[/i] [u]Lycan from:[/u] The most basic of Kens abilities letting him shift between his human and Lycan form at will. The transformation dose take a few minutes to fully complete and Ken is vulnerable while changing as he can't move. The transformation dose also take a lot out of Ken and changing form put a lot of stain on his body. Its is also extremely painful form him. [u]Lycans scenes:[/u] When in his Lycan form Ken has all his scenes improved far above that of a normal persons. Allowing him to see in near dark and hear and smell things form a lot longer distances and much fainter points of origin. While in his Lycan form he can hear and smell things 6 1/2 miles away form him In his human form Ken's sense of smell and hearing are equal to that of a normals dogs. [u]Lycans stamina:[/u] In Lycan and human form Ken seems to have a near never ending supply of stamina when it comes to doing psychical activity, Only when he changes or dose a lot and I mean a LOT of psychical activity dose Ken seem to get tried. [u]Lycans strength and speed:[/u] While in Lycan form Ken is far stronger then that of a person, he can lift anything up to a small car with ease. He can also run up 53 mph in Lycan form. While in human form Ken is only slightly stronger then a normal person. [u]Regeneration:[/u] While in Lycan and human form Ken wounds heal at a much faster rate small cuts nearly instantly. Anything like broken limbs or fractures take a couple of days and he can't regrow lost limbs. The easiest way to slow the regeneration is to use a sliver object to wound him. Healing also makes Ken need to eat more and feel hungry. [i]Weakness: [/i] [u]Animals:[/u] For a reason Ken can never seem to work out animals have always been able to seen Kens true nature and seems to be afraid of him. Many will flee form the sight of him or will cause a lot of ruckus which annoys Ken often provoking a reaction. Normally this is him yelling or growling at the animal or of he is positive he can get away with it a he'll show is true from. [u]The Full Moon:[/u] Whenever the moon is full in the night sky Kenneth is transformed into his Lycan form Ken can try to fight the transformation to slow it down but it only buys him a few minutes at the most. Fighting the transformation is also very exhausting and makes him hungry. [u]Muted Lycan:[/u] While transformed Ken can't speak at all. Although he still can make your typical Lycan sounds like growling and howling he can even bark if he wants. [u]Blood Lust:[/u] An issue all Lycans must learn to deal with if they wish to dwell along side humans is the near unsatable urge to hunt and simply cause carnage. The Lust is controllable but it is always there grinding away at a Lycans mind. To lose ones self to the Lust is to become a mindless beast. The lust at times can be quite strong making it difficult for Ken to function. [u]Allergy to Sliver:[/u] It amazing how much truth is old fairy tales but all Lycans are highly allergic to sliver. So much they are afraid of if it. Even slightly touching it will cause them great pain and some nasty swelling not matter the form they're in. [u]So hungry... for meat:[/u] To simply survive and to help maintain control over his Blood lust Kenneth must eat at least twice the normal amount of food of a normal person and he can only eat meat as other foods makes him throw up. [u]Dam Sun Light:[/u] Something about bring in the sun light while in Lycan form makes Ken feel really uncomfortable so much so he try to avoid exposing himself to it. Although if there is no other option he will for a short as time possible. [i]Skills:[/i] [u]Mad Genuis:[/u] Ken as always been extremely intelligent and a very quick learner and having lived for so long Ken as vast amount of knowledge buried in his head. Sadly due to Ken have issue with his sanity and his blood-lust he can rarely think well enough to fully use his intellect. [u]Hyperthymesia:[/u] Not so much a skill but a condition that Ken as. This condition gives Ken a extremely detailed autobiographical memory allowing him to recall nearly any event from his life in near perfect detail. [u]Skilled Musician:[/u] Having lived for so long Ken can play a number of instruments very well. His four favorite instrument he can play are the flute, piano, alto saxophone and harmonica. Artist: Living for so long Ken as learned to paint very well and enjoys it. [i]Hobbies:[/i] Painting, playing musical instruments, exercising, watching B list sci-if moves. Reading [Hider=Personality:] [u]Human Form:[/u] Ken as always had a lose grip on his sanity from the day he was born to the present day Ken still fights to keep himself sane and under control. He is the type that can react to the same situation a thousand ways even if they happened the exact same way. Ken a quite social and loves interacting with people especially small children he simply can't get enough of them. Ken is a creative soul and loves to do anything creative in particular painting. While social Ken as little social understanding which can make interacting with him hard. Ken can act quite aggressive and and will make a lot of threats to people when they start to disagree with him or piss him off however Ken very really acts out his threats. His aggression stems from the bloodlust the is always plaguing his mind as he struggles to seem most people as little more then food... or chew toys. He also like to play small pranks like moving stuff around on his colleges or stealing and hiding stuff on them. On bad days when Ken is struggling to keep himself sane Ken will talk nearly non stop to himself and will struggle to keep a train of though, he will also become quick to anger and lose it over the most simplest thing. He'll also become borderline OCD over things that would normal never bother him. From time to time Ken dose became perfectly sane for short amounts of time and normal. While like this is a polite quite clam and very serous person. At this time Ken also able to think clearly and fully use his intelligence, and will flaunt it whenever he can. [u]Lycan Form:[/u] While he is in his Lycan from Ken acts more like a dog then a typical Lycan. In this from Ken seems to like causing mischief and staking the grounds. He seems to love stalking students up past lights out and roaming the grounds. Another past time of his is stealing stuff and burying somewhere on the school grounds. (the head mistress has had to lock her shoes away at night to stop Ken stealing them.) He also is highly protective of the school seeing it as his territory. Ken also has the habit of digging up the school grounds at night. While in his Lycan form Ken seems to have more control of himself and is aware of his actions. At times while in his Lycan form Ken will simply act of his instincts which many involve hunting and chasing anything he see as a threat form his territory or those that live on it. [/hider] [hider=Background:] Born into a Lycan clan Ken spent his childhood under the rule and thumb of his alpha. To say he had it hard a child would be lie, as the clan always provided for him and taught him how to survive and not be mindless animal. So when he underwent the ritual to be given his beast blood he would be able to at least partly control himself. Until the day he turned 20 Ken spent most of his time either in study or playing with other kids in the clan. The day he turned 20 was the day Kens life change dramatically after under going the ritual Ken which was on the night of a full moon Ken was forced to change... Even now Ken can't recall that night and his clan mates wouldn't tell him what happened. From that day Ken spent his days in the clan as a hunter. Gathering food was fun for him and Ken was a skilled hunter. This was his life for a centenary, until humans found his clan and sent hunters armed to the teeth with sliver to remove the Lycan threat. When it happened Ken was out hunting so had no idea the humans has wiped out his clan until he returned. When he discovered his clans fate the idea of revenge consumed him . For the next twenty years he tracked down the hunters the wiped out his clan and turned them forcing them to chose life as a Lycan or end there own lives. Whatever there choices Ken ultimately made sure those hunters didn't live to see the end of the year. Having gotten his revenge Ken was left with a goal and began to wonder and stopping every so often to watch events he was sure one day would go down in history. In his travels Ken saw much of the world and several adventures and participated in couple wars. (including both world wars.) After the second world war Ken went back to wondering. Until one night while he was roaming around in his Lycan he spotted what he was sure was another Lycan. He gave chase and after lengthy pursuit of this other Lycan caught with it on the grounds of Orean Cause. The other Lycan then attacked him and a quick but bloody fight ensued with Ken coming out as the victor. The fight put Ken in a blood lust fueled frenzy and he mauled the first teacher the found him drawn by the noise of the fight. It was not long after that the school Gifted staff where able to subdue him without him mauling anyone else or causing to much damage to the school. It was then the school headmistress came to question him although at first Ken was still crazed and lost to his blood-lust but after several days he slowly came back and the two "talked." It was during these talks the headmistress offered him a job at the school under the condition he lives on the school grounds and if needed helps protect it. He was also told if he didn't take her offer she'd leave him locked up for the rest of his life. Since that day he's been working for Orean acting as a teacher and as needed one of the school guardians. But even so the school keeps a close eye on him although few of his gifted co-workers would rather see him gone. [/hider] [i]Optional: [/i] Ken will give people he likes meat based nicknames, naming after the meat he thinks they'd taste like the most. [i]Likes:[/i] People, Small Children, insects, MEAT (minus fish), Physical activity, Painting, music [i]Dislikes:[/i] Animals(minus dogs), cats(really hates them so had to be listed separately) [i]Theme song: [/i] N/A (If I find one I'll add it.) [i]Clubs: [/i] Helps out with school band. [i]Dreams:[/i] Unknown [/hider]