[u][center][h1]Aurelia Rosenfeld[/h1][/center][/u] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/82/3d/df/823ddfac54d4a36fcbddfe2f7c900483.jpg[/img][/center] [i][center][quote=Aurelia]"Blushing? Wha - of course I'm not blushing! You’re looking at the results of a traumatic injury, because these idiots finally [b]broke my brain[/b]!”[/quote][/center][/i] [hider= Personality] Were one looking for a truly apt way to describe Aurelia Rosenfeld, especially to the sweet, naive little lamb who hasn’t yet faced her wrath, one might liken her to a faucet. On one hand, her scathing wit and truly incendiary temper will, if triggered too long and by the wrong person, roast you to ashes. On the other, her cold, distant, almost concerted efforts toward maintaining the illusion of detachment can freeze you where you stand. (Toward those with whom she’s managed to establish a vague approximation of a friendship, she can and usually will dial it down, turning from scathing to fondly exasperated.) Brash, blunt, and catastrophically brazen, there isn’t a force in this universe that could stop Aurelia from giving her opinion - whether or not it’s wanted, needed, or even respected is a matter of heated debate. (This has legitimately ended relationships, platonic or otherwise; the girl’s simply too critically upfront for her own good.) She’s not one for sugarcoating matters, albeit not out of malicious intent - she’s honestly oblivious to her own bluntness. Having Aurelia around is like having a hammer you could throw with impunity at delicate situations. Further imbalancing the unstable collection of minefields that can generously be called a personality, most of Aurelia’s frustrations and irate outbursts result from internalization of her own shortcomings. The only reason she’s so skilled at pointing out others’ flaws is because she’s had all that practice picking out her own. However, she refuses to let these flaws govern her entirely, and she’s entirely willing to work hard to overcome them. While more than happy to congratulate herself - her nickname back at Oakridge was “God Complex” - Aurelia has no idea what to make of an honest compliment. She tends to flounder and stutter and lapse into incohesive, flustered mumbling. Along that vein, she’s extremely susceptible to cajolery and her friends’ wheedling; she has a hard time resisting pouting and pleading. On rare occasions, she can be incisively funny, especially when she’s trying to call someone out on their bullshit or launch into a hilariously pissy rant. Tragedy is Aurelia happening to you, comedy is Aurelia happening to someone else. She’s also willing to argue with absolutely anyone about absolutely anything. She’s used to a certain degree of refinery as far as amenities and lifestyle goes; dragging her along camping and presenting her with a few hastily-butchered trees serving as makeshift chairs would earn a priceless look of disgust. She also has absolutely no idea how people without limitless funding live - trying to explain to her concepts such as “frugality” and “not dropping thousands of dollars on jackets alone in one sitting” and “aurelia no we know you have more money than god and could buy out this entire store please stop brandishing your credit card like a club sweet merciful lord” is, unfortunately, futile. However, despite her eagerness to resort to status and funds to get what she wants, Aurelia is surprisingly reticent in terms of talking about about her family, because daddy issues, daddy issues, daddy issues. If it’s not something you could glean from her family’s company website, it’s not something she’s willing to disclose. Attempts to push the matter will usually garner a frosty glare and the silent treatment. [/hider] [b]Appearance[/b] [list] [*] Height: Falls somewhere between 5’3” and 5’5”; not extremely short, but not particularly tall, either. [*] Weight: Never bothered to keep informed as to the exact number; is, presumably, on the lower side, considering her lithe, slender frame. She’s built more for agility and dexterity than she is brute force; what little muscle tone she has is lean and functional, almost like a dancer’s. As such, in a fight dependent on strength, she'd most certainly lose. [*] As such, she's not suited towards heavy armor, either. She'd prefer to don something lightweight and comfortable to move in. Possibly with some kind of gaudy coat thrown over top of the whole ensemble. (She's always had a flair for the dramatics.) [*] From Aurelia’s showy weapon and reckless fighting style, one can surmise she’s attempting to compensate for an otherwise unimposing physique. She fights like wants to die, in a sense; it’s a miracle she’s survived this long. Or graduated the Oakridge to begin with; excellent note-taking and diligent studying can’t save a sloppy combatant. [*] Vain enough to maintain her appearance almost meticulously. She’s downright pedantic about her eye makeup, and she'd rather show up to a function two hours late than arrive sloppily put-together. [*] The lip piercing is Aurelia's own special brand of rebellion. She claims it's because she wanted to "explore her options" before judging others' appearances; in reality, she just thought it looked cool. [*] Pretends her hair color is natural; in reality, she dyes it almost obsessively. An upbringing like hers is certain to engender some variety of peculiarities. [/list] Weapon: [url=http://img00.deviantart.net/082f/i/2015/102/b/5/bloodborne_fanart___silverlight_weapon_idea_by_daemonstar-d8pf2lj.jpg]Silverlight Twinblade[/url] [list] [*]An explosively flashy weapon for an explosively ostentatious fighter, the unholy amalgamation is a testament to the eccentricity of man. Through nothing short of a miracle, humans somehow managed to merge two entirely incongruent weapons to form something of a paradox. In layman’s terms, it is, essentially, nothing more than a pointy stick that can split into two, smaller pointy sticks. [*] In its "fused" form, it best lends itself to elegant twirls - almost the sort one might see a flag-twirler of a drill team implement. Overhead circular spins melt seamlessly into sudden thrusts; in a pinch, it could even function in a manner similar to that of a longsword. It's surprisingly versatile. [*] Once separated into what is essentially two swords, Aurelia's fighting style shifts to a fury dance of death; its short range allows for greater speed and more attacks. [*] Has a wide variety of uses, ranging from thrusting attacks to parrying jabs to broad, sweeping slashes. [/list] [hider=Biography]Born in one of Elysium’s most extravagant estates to a father as indifferent as he was affluent and a mother who had opted for a more “hands-off” approach to parenting (except for mooching off benefits, of course), Aurelia spent much of her early childhood learning the intricacies of internecine warfare. Passive-aggressive notes, “accidental” misplacement of vital funds, and deploying threats of dismemberment with cheerful grace were the norm. It gave Aurelia a perverse sort of appreciation for the fine art of war - or at least, revealed to her that it was fully possible to operate on a level of treachery yet unbreached by human influence. The Rosenfeld Munitions Corporation was one of Elysium’s most powerful organizations; its surplus of quality resources and excellent marketing campaigns essentially secured a monopoly over the armaments industry. For all intents and purposes, Günter Rosenfeld was as much of a threat as he was a tycoon; charisma and a veritable mountain of highly-advanced technology at his disposal had a funny way of striking fear into the hearts of his enemies. Aurelia, having been enrolled in the Oakridge Military Academy at age 8, because Günter didn’t want to risk his eldest daughter’s status as “company heiress” to some petty power struggle, held little to no interest in the company’s actions, deeming them a massive waste of her time. (Aurelia was a classic example of the “sour grapes” fable. She was blind to the red flags - wounded pride has a funny way of doing that.) When her older sister launched into a tirade about the “injustices” perpetuated by the RMC, such as the lack of accessibility by the people miring in their own misery down on Libra, Aurelia used that time to master the delicate art of rolling one’s eyes. When Mathilde decided to take matters into her own hands and come into her inheritance early, taking on the role of executive, Aurelia began perfecting the cyanide sneer. The day the RMC began expanding its horizons, producing several types of household appliances alongside the deadly, unholy abominations it called weaponry, was also the day it opened its doors to the people of Libra. Gone were the days of exclusion, the RMC boldly declared, because now was the time for Libra and Elysium to link arms once more, to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor, to give those trapped on the dying, corrupted planet a chance at redemption, a chance at life. And so, Günter put out word that the people of Libra were granted the opportunity to stay in Elysium; they needed only to register as one of the RMC’s workers once they were of age, and their quarters and payrolls would be prepared shortly. Mathilde, ever the paragon of naivety, was absolutely euphoric - she almost couldn’t believe her father was supporting her efforts so earnestly! Quarter - what a funny word with funny meanings. Indeed, every possible definition of the word “quarter” was applied to the conditions in which the people of Libra were expected to live and toil. A quarter of a cot in a quarter of a room, a quarter of a bowl of broth with a quarter of a hunk of bread, a quarter of the pay an 18-hour-workday would normally warrant. The people were outraged, and the people were suffering, and who was to blame but the neophyte executive who had ordered the changes? Whom else would they demonize, would they overthrow, would they execute? (Not quite in a literal sense, but for all intents and purposes, the being known as Mathilde Rosenfeld ceased to exist. She never died, of course, but the rampant alcoholism and substance abuse wouldn’t look very proper on a family tree.) A panicked Aurelia, having played witness to her once-beloved sister’s tragic downfall, instantly severed all ties with Mathilde. She didn’t want to risk incurring the ire of the rioting Librans, nor did she want to be forced to take responsibility for something she didn’t do. A cowardly move, but, frankly, a smart one. It was this cowardice that spared her a timely “welcoming” back into the Rosenfeld folds; despite her disdain for the RMC, she was still her father’s daughter, and she was still a pawn in his game. She was the backup, the failsafe, and she wanted no part of it. Even so much as visiting the estate would put her at risk. She distanced herself from the rest of her family, and invested herself in her academics and training with renewed vigor, even at the cost of some of her personal relationships. While her end-game goal isn’t clear, popular speculation suggests she’s hoping to use the U.D.F to work her way up through the military. One day, once she’s gathered enough influence of her own, perhaps she plans to expose her father’s scandals, reveal the depths to which his depravity ran, and shatter the manacles binding her to such a toxic situation once and for all. [/hider] [b]Spirits[/b] [i]“Firewall”[/i] Element: Ice Status Effects: [img]https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/e/e5/Aegis.png[/img] (Shell) Ability: Defender Description: With the aid of this spirit, Aurelia conjures up a solid, spiky wall of glittering ice that will destroy most ranged projectiles. Size varies depending on its intended purpose. Serves as a makeshift shield. The spirit itself takes the form of a hazy, flickering ball of pale violet light; its personality could best be described as fickle, calculating, and exceptionally egocentric. [i]“Cherry Bomb”[/i] Element: Fire Status Effects: [img]https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/a/a3/Vulnerability_40px.png/18px-Vulnerability_40px.png[/img] (Exposure) Ability: Provoke Description: This spirit manifests as a sizeable volley of small fireballs, with which Aurelia can then pelt her foes. Their large ranks compensate for their small size. “Hell’s Havoc” Element: Fire/Dark Status Effects: [img]https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/e/ec/Fear_40px.png/18px-Fear_40px.png[/img] (Zombie) Ability: Lifelink Description: A canticle of veritable desperation, alluding to the inevitability of self-destruction, the abilities lent by this spirit are to be used as an absolute last resort. Serving as an imitation of a berserk mode of sorts, this spirit wrenches free of Aurelia’s body, enveloping her in a writhing, caterwauling aura of unholy fire. She locks on to her enemies with savage precision, lunging at them like a monster possessed. The chorusing wails of unearthly terror radiate from the fire, mingling with the anguished screams of her opponent as the hellflame chars their flesh. In true sadistic fashion, it’s never enough to kill; this spirit prefers toying with its foe, leaving them alive so they can bear the full brunt of the number of unpleasant hells they’ve had rained down upon them. Needless to say, this spirit is malicious, fiendish, vindictive, and well and truly heartless - its cruelty is undiscerning; as such, friendly fire is a real possibility. [i]“Primal Rapture”[/i] Element: Fire/Light Status Effects: [img]https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/4/46/Fury.png[/img] (Faith) Ability: Amplify Description: Everyone has within them a hidden vestige of goodness and purity, and Aurelia is no exception. Fueled by hope and passion and a little bit of naive determination, this spirit summons an ancient flame in a gigantic, towering pillar to cremate her enemies. [b]Relationships[/b] (WIP) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79203-the-spirits-within-ii/char#post-2547164]Selene[/url] - Aurelia views Selene as a trusted confidant - the sort of person with whom she could spend hours doing nothing more than sitting in comfortable silence. She holds a sort of admiration for Selene's leadership skills, although she'd never admit it aloud. Despite not being Aurelia's oldest friend, Selene's masterful leadership has earned her the position of the most trustworthy; Aurelia would admit things to Selene she wouldn't risk telling even her oldest friends. In fact, Selene is probably one of the few people to whom Aurelia would entrust her life. Selene's judgment is the only one to which Aurelia will defer without question, even if she doesn't always agree with Selene's policies. There seems to be something more, though, something dark and something hidden; perhaps she's harboring a bit of resentful envy of Selene's passion? [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79203-the-spirits-within-ii/char#post-2564314]Wren[/url] - Having known each other from the very beginning of their enrollment in Oakridge, Aurelia and Wren have butted heads about any and everything within their power, leaving the third member of their ragtag trio, Eric, to serve as the sole mediator. Without his intervention, the pair surely would have torn each other apart - perhaps not nowadays, necessarily, but back in the day, their scuffles tended to lean more towards "gratuitous and excessive use of violence" as opposed to "playful bickering". Nowadays, Aurelia and Wren are the textbook example of a love-hate dynamic. Most of their interactions have an underlying aura of antagonism, particularly when Wren goads Aurelia into an argument and Aurelia latches on with all the brutal efficiency of a rabid dog. They bicker and they tease - Aurelia even inventing a few derisive nicknames for Wren, such as "brute" or "monkey" - but, at the end of the day, it's mostly all in good fun. Aurelia does admire Wren's strength and resolve, and she privately appreciates knowing someone that powerful has her back. It helps calm her nerves before a battle, because even if the only "sniping" she'll be doing is at Wren during one of their little banter sessions, she supposes it's good to know she's got someone to help her out of a tight spot. They support each other and do have a fairly solid friendship; in the end, their bond is strong, if not a tad unconventional. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79203-the-spirits-within-ii/char#post-2563931]Eric[/url] - Acquainted from a young age, having met at a celebratory function sponsored by the RMC, Aurelia would consider Eric one of her closest childhood friends. Unlike her interactions with Wren, or even occasionally Selene, Aurelia speaks to Eric without any sort of contempt or derision, displaying a level of gentleness even she didn't think she had within her. Her smiles come more easily - honest smiles, not smirks or sneers. She considers him one of the more sophisticated members of their little entourage of misfits, partially due to his background and partially due to the manner in which he conducts himself. She also legitimately cares about his well-being, and makes a concerted effort to check up on him from time to time, even if only for a quick chat - she's almost lost him once, when his spirit went on a bit of a rampage, ensnaring him in its grip, and it was the first time in her life she was truly, honestly scared. As such, she's made it her personal goal to ensure that never happens again; she's got a bit of a mama bear instinct where he's involved. In combat, the pair of them operate in almost perfect synchronization, making them a terrifying adversary to behold. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79203-the-spirits-within-ii/char#post-2565920]Cassie[/url] - Aurelia regards Cassie with the same exasperated sort of consternation a haggard caretaker might show a rambunctious child. Rewarding each of Cassie's (usually dangerous) efforts to coax her out of her shell with either a peeved scowl or somewhat pissy lecture on more appropriate uses of Cassie's time, Aurelia has, over time, come to view herself as a sort of foil to the former's boundless enthusiasm. One might assume they, being such polar opposites, would make a formidable battle duo; Aurelia's more strategic, calculating approach balances out and supplements Cassie's propensity for reckless improvisation (and, in Aurelia's opinion, truly baffling lack of foresight). Cassie is also the individual who both perplexes and frustrates Aurelia most; despite Aurelia's constant spurning, Cassie still darts in front of the bull, so to speak, trying to goad Aurelia into lightening up. Aurelia does secretly foster the smallest of soft spots for Cassie and her antics, however - Cassie may be an insufferable dolt, but she's still Aurelia's friend, and perhaps her reproachful looks and rolls of the eyes are her ways of expressing her affection? Besides, she does appreciate someone caring enough about her mental state to try to lighten the mood, so to speak. As far as Cassie is concerned, [i]absolute dunce[/i] or [i]complete, utter idiot[/i] or [i]recalcitrant child[/i] are terms of endearment. Besides, she can always make the excuse that [i]someone's[/i] got to ensure Cassie's shenanigans don't get her killed, right? [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79203-the-spirits-within-ii/char#post-2564387]Ito[/url] - Aurelia and Ito have a friendship tempered by mutual dislike of their less-than-desirable home situations. While not necessarily the healthiest bond out there, as the pair have made more than their fair share of poor decisions, and wound up in a fair bit of trouble as a result, it's arguably a somewhat safe outlet to release stress. No one can deny there isn't support involved; because they've bonded over defiance towards their parents' expectations, they tend to fuel each other's desires to rebel, encourage each other to build their own lives from the ground up, free from pressuring by anyone but themselves, and facilitate each other's occasional staggeringly bad ideas, and devise various ways to execute said bad ideas. As to whether or not that won't get them killed is a matter of heated debate. [b]Trivia[/b] [list] [*] Insofar as sexual and romantic orientations are concerned, Aurelia is entirely undiscerning. Gender doesn't really matter so long as their personalities are compatible. [*] Has legitimately never so much as touched a cheeseburger or other greasy comfort food in her life. She grew up with personal chefs capable of replicating the things advertised on broadcasts or commercials, and yet they never quite tasted the same. Would probably regard a menu at a casual restaurant with a look of utter soul-crushing bewilderment. [*] Doesn't particularly like chocolate, but can tolerate it if it's drizzled over strawberries or vanilla ice cream. [*] Absolutely loathes warm weather and visiting the beach. She doesn't tan, she [i]burns[/i]. [*] Has a hyperactive imagination and an affinity for all things histrionic; as such, she has a rather irrational fear of the dark and the things that might lurk within its midst. Has been known to stay up the entire night, stumble blearily into training the next morning, dark circles ringing her eyes like war paint, and offer, "The windowsill - it [i][b]creaked[/b][/i]" as her sole explanation. [*] Absolutely [i]not[/i] a morning person - she's even more waspish than usual, especially if she was forced to rise in the wee hours of the morning. Don't speak to her before she has her daily dose of coffee. [*] It's generally a good idea to avoid the topic of her father or older sister. A black cloud of rumors and scandal swirl around the RMC and its affiliates like vultures on roadkill, and it's a sensitive subject. [/list]