Lugft had reached a new, extreme level of rage, as his knuckles turned white and his eyes filled with crimson. Wilhelm was challenging him...or rather challenging Lugft to challenge him. But he couldn't, he had no weapons no armor no... Suddenly, through the pool of rage and fear an idea bubbled to the surface of hid mind, and stewed amongst the anger in his mind. There would be a challenge, oh yes, Lugft would put forward a challenge. Slowly, Lugft walked towards Wilhelm, as if his rage was weighing down his limbs. His eyes still blood red with rage he came to stand before Wilhelm, looking not unlike a bull preparing to charge,."Wilhelm the Black, I do challenge you, but not for her, not for some royal tart, you can have her, and I do not challenge you here or now. Pick a date and a place Wilhelm, perhaps a few days hence, for here I am unarmed amd in poor preparation. Pick a spot anywhere, I don't care, make the stakes whatever you want. Give me a few days to settle my brides and prepare my blade. I will be the second man to wound you, and the first man to beat you." With the last words said with a kind of primal certainty, he began walking back to his brides, "Name the time and place now before I leave or later Wilhelm, for I am prepared to take my brides and return to my manor, assuming no one else wishes to challenge my claim to either of them?" He looked around, his fury was far past a stage of shouting, he simply spoke his words with power and conviction, as if daring someone to be foolish enough to challenge his claim. [@Saltwater Thief]