The tavern had grown far too loud in such a short amount of time. It was frustrating, as the one peaceful and relaxed atmosphere had now been shattered since everyone was feeling on edge ever since the cloaked woman and the flamboyant 'pirate' had arrived at this place. Even the birds chirping in the nearby trees had silenced themselves and retreated deeper into the forest since the three gunshots had been fired. The blind man just shook his head from side to side a few times and took hold of his small cup of sake, drinking the liquor down before he immediately filled it back up. His second bottle of sake was running low now, which was as good an indicator as any that he had spent enough time at this place. He met the former 'Jin Long', confirmed the location of Ornestoro and revealed the scroll fragment that held the dark and ancient power. That should be enough for the time being. Nomi knew that as hard as Jintaru was playing, he'd not be able to rest easy from here on out knowing that the silver-haired man was out seeking something of great power. [color=teal]”It must be a simple life, being a nobody, knowing nothing and being as blind as I am to the world around you. How boring.”[/color] Listening to the commotion going on within the tavern, the blind man sighed loudly as he picked up his cup of sake and made it vanish down his throat like the others before. He returned the cup to the table, somewhat violently as the wooden surfaced creaked and rocked from the strain of having pressure put upon it. The next set of words that left the 'monk's lips had frustrated the blind man further and as he left the table and walked away, the silver-haired man rose his head and glanced towards the tavern. [color=teal]”Waitress!”[/color] He shouted over the noise coming from within. A few seconds passed but the young jasmine-scented girl scurried out of the tavern and rushed to the blind man's table, a worried look spread across her voice which carried into her voice. [color=pink]”Y-yes sir? How m-may I help?”[/color] After fetching his coin purse from his belt, Nomi handed her enough gold for more sake, asking for two bottles, unopened. Upon taking the gold and nodding her head, the young woman vanished back into the tavern, hugging the walls and taking a longer route to into the back of the tavern as to avoid the noisy people in the middle. By time she had reappeared, the blind man was standing up. His satchel was slung over his right shoulder with the bag itself resting on his left waist. With a smile, he nodded his head and took his drinks off the waitress. [color=teal]”Thank you.”[/color] Gently placing his order into his satchel, the silver-haired man turned and took his leave, walking to the dirt road and heading directly across it to the adjoined farmland. As dusty footsteps turned to the soft crunch of fresh grass, a farmer, about mid forties, flinched and ducked behind his small wooden plough as he noticed the blind man approaching. Seemed he had heard the gunshots from earlier and was taking cover to protect himself. Smart man. Nomi however, paid him no mind at all. He instead walked onto the farmland where a small grassy mound rest. Using his boot to kick the grass away, a katana was revealed to be laying peacefully on the ground. Rolling the sheath onto the top of his right boot, the blind man flicked the weapon up into the air, which he caught with a snap of his right hand, snatching the weapon from the air. Slinging the blade over his shoulder and fastening it to his back, the blind man returned to the dirt road and turned after Jintaru, following him. He clearly wasn't happy, as evident by the sound of his blade being pulled from it's sheath. The mirror-sheen of the blade flicked beautifully in the sunlight and the blade itself sung with the subtlest movement. After having waited enough he was far enough away from the tavern to be a distraction, the silver-haired man flexed his knees and suddenly launched himself towards the 'monk', almost vanishing entirely from view as his tapped into his colossal speed, leaving naught but a small cloud of dirt where he once stood. Catching up to the 'monk' in mere seconds. He 'appeared' a few feet behind the 'monk', but did not act further. He didn't need to. He just continued to follow the man in silence, blade drawn and waited.