[i]Annaveya Elizabeth Ranizov IV[/i] - [u]The Price of Royalty[/u] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWHtSsbbJbA&index=11&list=PLD0FC564EE21715DE][u]Theme~[/u][/url] Still held close to the menacing looking Drakken, the Princess continued to slowly sway as if caught by a summer breeze. A light, playing smile curved across her lips as she sensed the storm from her taunting words brewing, infesting the minds of those that surrounded her and striking the core of their savage minds. All the while, her slender fingertips slowly rose to caress the tensed strength of the neck the one who held her. For this moment, this vicious looking man seemed to [i]own[/i] her. It did not take long for others to lash out at her. She knew all too well that such cruel words were going to arrive swiftly and rashly. First came in a vengeful noble who simply sought to try and whip her with words, and though her fingertips slipped away from Wilhelm, she did not react to his words. Such a satisfaction he would not possess as she remained calm in the eye of his storm. As swiftly as he had come he retreated, and the hint of a coy smirk alighted her lips. Obviously, the barrel-chested one was attuned for bloody battles, not a battle of wits; less he wouldn't have fled so quickly from the center of the floor. However, a surprise came in the form of a princely form finally arriving to the tension filled scene. Nervous guards parted as she stood rigidly. However, what she saw was the raw arrogance that she expected those of Drakken Royal blood. He came to stand before her, and her fingertips dipped into the silken fabric of her Gemminite dress as she respectfully bowed. One royal to another, a shrewd princess to an arrogant prince. Much like how he had walked, casual arrogance came forward from his words. Taunting her first, only to then explain who Wilhelm was; as if she didn't already know. Slowly, surely, her work behind all that she had said was beginning to settle and worm into the minds of others. She could sense it, as even now there was little more than hateful gaze from many Nobles towards the fearfully strong Wilhelm. He had taken their [i]prize[/i], [i]their Princess[/i]. Taunting even her homeland, the Princess did not falter nor fade from the regality she so nobly held. Perhaps she stood even straighter, she was no fool, nor was her Father or Mother. If the Drakkens did truly attack, there would be more than what met the eye to them. Even the barbaric fool had spat at her about how it would be like taking candy from a child, if he only knew what would tribulations would lay ahead of him in this instance. Gemminites were physically weaker, as well as weaker in elements. This was known, however cunning was their strength. That would allow them a way to a more clever war, a plan she had talked with her Father about in the instance hell decided to descend upon them all. A [i]war of attrition[/i] would be fought. It would be long, bloody, and costly on both sides. However, Gemminites and their populace outnumbered those of the Drakken by almost eight to one. In a grim thought, her people had far more resources to cast upon the altar of sacrifice. Far more than that of their overlords. With this strategy, even against the greater enemies of the world, the Gemminite Kingdom could very well become the graveyard of Empires. Oh how little they knew. An underestimation of their enemy could very well be a fatal one. Gemminites had known fear and hopelessness for thousands of years, but even then there was a subtle strength growing in the land. She had sensed it, but for now, she would not wield it. Finally however, the tranquil Wilhelm spoke and the Princess slowly turned to face the man who apparently was her future husband to be. He silenced the fools who had tried in all their belligerence to try and make the enigmatic Princess falter, and they failed. Even still, she had not uttered a single word, she didn't need to. Their pandering attempts to justify themselves and their arrogance bore enough embarrassment to her. Before everyone, a Prince and a Noble had attempted to belittle her, and their words crashed in vain against the beautifully enigmatic poise that she possessed. Just like the words she had spoken before, Annaveya would not bend nor break to their sadistic and cruel whims. A mewling quim she was not, she was one of Gemminite Royal Blood, and she embodied the very symbolism of it her family's rightful throne. She watched the mulling crowds as they mulled the choice of attacking Wilhelm for her hand, before her as she watched them all they all faltered. Every single one failed to even attempt to find the strength and courage required to stand before the infamous Noble. It was weakness she sensed, a lack of resolve created by thousands of years of [i]complacency[/i] and [i]decadence[/i] as [i]conquering heroes[/i]; and like a fine knife, the Princess would find a way to cut into it. However now was not the time, as finally one stepped forward. It was the barrel-chested one. The very same one who had berated her only moments ago. She watched him carefully, noting his savage hunger for conflict. This one was going to be the easiest to manipulate and twist, and she would twist him accordingly as he finished his challenge as Wilhelm had begun to inspect, and claim another Gem. This time as a servant or warden. The Princess would seize this opportunity to poke a needle into the Huron's inflated sense of self. [color=bc8dbf]"Why not challenge my [i]Husband-to-be[/i] now, [i]brave[/i] Lord Huron? Or are you unable to proficiently act without [i][b]your sword[/b][/i] in [i][b]your[/b][/i] hands? I weep for your claimed then, a shame, perhaps even a joy to be taken by one so [i][b]useless[/b][/i] to a woman. Why not challenge him to unarmed combat? Or are you so unskilled as to fall on the field of battle unless you possess a weapon?"[/color] Her words would sting so venomously, and she knew it even as she put them so coolly, calmly akin to a clear wintry morning. Even better, angered discontent rippled through the masses as she even declared that Wilhelm was subtly hers in a way; just as much as he now owned her. A scandalous, hedonistic thought that was, [i]the thought that a Gem actually considered herself an equal.[/i] How easy it was to create a divide between the Nobles about something that should have seemed to trivial to them. If this was how Drakken society was, how easy would it be for her to create divides and conflict during matters which were grave? [@ agentmanatee] [@ Saltwater Thief]