Zhenya went over the rooms he had swept once more, this time checking to make sure the insurgents did not have anything hidden away somewhere. The floor and walls of the building was pretty much compacted earth and that made them prime locations to hide anything. They would just have to dig a hole, throw whatever they wanted hidden in and cover it with dirt and no one would be able to find them. Zhenya ran his hands along the wall, rapping them with his knuckles every now and then to look for the distinctive soft texture of a recently remodeled wall. He had to be quick; the captain and the rest of the squad were already preparing to assault the last building. He reached the room where he had killed the insurgent earlier, and that was when he noticed something he had missed earlier during the rush of combat. Part of the floor near the center of the room felt a lot softer than the other parts of the room. Curious, Zhenya knelt and inspected the spot. It was darker than the rest of the floor, and experience from Chechnya told him that this meant that the ground had been recently disturbed. "Neil!" He called out and waited for the Australian to approach before continuing. "Looks like someone was burying something just before we got here." He said and drew his shovel. He sank the blade into the earth and carefully removed layers of sand and mud. After a few seconds of digging, he came upon a few cylindrical canisters, each of them roughly the size of a smoke grenade or flashbang. Zhenya took one out and handed it to Neil. "Not sure what's in these, but if they buried it...It has to be something important." He said and stood up, turning over one of the canisters in his hands. "Captain, we found something." He said into his microphone. "Small canisters, unmarked and filled with unknown contents." He said and checked the canister for any inscriptions. Unfortunately, he found none. "We've only got four in this building. Looks like they buried it just before we breached the place." Zhenya tucked the canister into one of his pouches. "We should go assist the captain. It is likely the insurgents will have more in the last buildings." He said to Neil before adding with a smirk, "I'd like to see what's in this as well. Maybe I can try it on the insurgents, see how they like it."