[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/iHiqeaz.png[/img][/center] [b]Wren Valkyrie[/b] [quote]“So, Wren Valkyrie, is it?” “Yeah,” she responded, fidgeting in the tiny folding chair. “What are we doing, exactly?” “It’s an interview for the [i]Elysium Report[/i]. You should have been briefed on this already.” “Listen, I’m not suited for this kind of thing. Just keep the questions short, all right?” “Yes, ma’am. You’re a respected Guardian of the United Defense Force, correct?” The reporter pointed the boom device toward her. “Yes,” she said, smirking, “though the ‘respected’ part is up for debate, apparently.” “Ah, indeed, you’ve had issues with your General-in-Command in the past. Tell me, do these conflicts suggest mutinous feelings?” “Absolutely not,” Wren said quickly, straightening. “He and I… don’t see eye-to-eye on certain things, that’s all. I suspect I won’t have to deal with him much more, though.” “Why is that?” the reporter asked, pulling out a notebook and scribbling intensely. “Well, I’ve been placed in a new battalion with some other recruits, so I won’t be taking orders directly from him anymore.” She crossed her arms contentedly. “I decide my own actions now.” “About these recruits,” the reporter leaned forward, “is it true you’re personally acquainted with them?” “Yeah, they’re actually my closest friends. It was a smart decision, pairing me with them, since we already know each other’s battle techniques. Besides, I don’t work well with people I don’t know.” “…Wouldn’t you say that’s a pretty vital aspect of being a Guardian?” “Don’t give me that shit!” Wren snapped. “I get enough of it from the General. I’m [i]self-sufficient[/i], all right?” “Okay, sorry!” the reporter said hastily. “I think we should move on to other questions…”[/quote] [b]Personality[/b] On the battlefield, Wren is nicknamed "The Blue Fire”, not for her flame abilities but for her fierce attitude and her brilliant blue armor. Her short temper and constant eagerness for a fight combine to form a reckless, hot-headed warrior. When not in battle, however, Wren is capable of keeping her composure, if only for a short time; in these times, she shows her logical and strategy-inclined nature. As great as her fighting abilities are, she is highly overconfident and loses her rationality as soon as she thinks herself capable of achieving victory. Though Wren would call herself [i]proud[/i], those who know her would instead call her [i]narcissistic[/i]; she lets her success as a fighter go to her head, and she has trouble seeing from other people’s perspectives. Despite all of this, she has an intense loyalty for her friends and fellow Guardians, and in combat, she makes for a much better soldier and strategist than a leader. [b]Appearance[/b] Wren’s face, along with many piercings, is scarred and battle-worn, a testament to her love of physical combat. Wren stands tall at 5’9” and weighs 170 pounds; her weight is mainly attributed to her impressive musculature. She has olive skin, short, choppy white hair (as a result of her lightning spirit), and bright, golden eyes. Wren wears heavy armor, with shining cobalt blue, silver, and gold metal plates, and a black, form-fitting rubber and Lycra suit underneath them. [b]Weapon[/b] Wren wields a golden, extendable stun baton. This unusual weapon was crafted by her specifically for her fighting style and abilities. It does not emit electricity by itself, but is a powerful conductor of spiritual energy, and she directs her Fire and Lightning spirits’ power through it. This energy can be felt through direct contact with the baton for full effect or through a whip-like extension of fire or electricity, which can be “swung” from a larger distance (at the price of doing less damage and being less accurate). Wren has been training with a baton since she was submitted into Oakridge at eight, but crafted this one shortly before being admitted into the United Defense Force. [b]Biography[/b] Wren has lived on Elysium all her life. Her parents, as esteemed and wealthy merchants, afforded her a comfortable and doting childhood, especially since she had no siblings to compete with for attention. Because of this, she grew up quite self-centered and overly confident of her skills. When her abilities were noticed by local authorities, they submitted her to the Oakridge Military Academy, where she trained and excelled until her admittance into the United Defense Force. Though she was above-average academically, Wren always managed to get herself in trouble of some kind at the school. Her frequent visits to the principal’s office were usually attributed to her defending her friends or starting a fight of her own volition. She was never bullied, however; she was picked on once, on the first day of school, but after she electrified the bully and temporarily paralyzed him, the other students backed off for the rest of her academic life. In the last few months of her time at the Academy, Wren was one of the few promising students chosen to go on an exclusive tour of the U.D.F. Headquarters, meant to help prepare them for life in the military. The General-in-Command of the Special Warfare and Reconnaissance Group, Joseph Artemis, happened to be assisting with the tour, giving general information about the different divisions of the U.D.F. During the questionnaire section, Wren proudly announced that she planned on being the best Guardian of the W.A.R.G. General Artemis, seeing this as insolence, had her removed from the premises and told her that she would become a soldier “over my dead body”. Regardless, she never lost hope, and when Selene managed to get her into her squadron, Wren promised herself that she would prove herself not only as a valuable asset of her squad, but as a worthy soldier of the U.D.F. In her spare time, she dabs in metallurgy and technical pursuits, such as building computers and various weapons (her baton being one of them). [b]Spirits[/b] [b]Electric Frenzy[/b] [i]Element:[/i] Air - Lightning [i]Ability:[/i] Vigilance [i]Status Effect:[/i][img]https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/1/14/Weakness_40px.png/18px-Weakness_40px.png[/img] Weakness [i]Description:[/i] This spirit is the most dominant of Wren’s arsenal. It is conducted primarily through Wren’s baton, but it can also be emitted directly through Wren’s skin. It can be extended from her baton in the form of an electric whip, at the price of lower accuracy. This spirit takes the shape of a small yellow orb of electricity, giving anyone who touches or upsets it a tiny zap. It exemplifies ambitiousness and impulsiveness. [b]Engulfer[/b] [i]Element:[/i] Fire [i]Ability:[/i] Provoke [i]Status Effect:[/i][img]https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/a/a3/Vulnerability_40px.png/18px-Vulnerability_40px.png[/img] Exposure [i]Description:[/i] This spirit takes the form of a blazing flame enveloping Wren’s baton; like Electric Frenzy, it can also be inaccurately extended as a weaker fire-whip. It takes the form of bright orange flames in her eyes that actually hurt to look at, like staring at the sun. It exemplifies ferocity and violence. [b]Clap of Thunder[/b] [i]Element:[/i] Air - Lightning [i]Ability:[/i] Storm [i]Status Effect:[/i][img]https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/9/97/Float_40px.png/18px-Float_40px.png[/img] All [i]Description:[/i] This spirit Is controlled by Wren’s shouts, and takes the form of a mighty blast of air, physically blowing enemies away but dealing little damage. This spirit takes the form of thin rings of gray clouds around Wren's body that slowly swirl around her. It exemplifies loyalty, integrity, and rationality. [b]Acid Rain[/b] [i]Element:[/i] Water/Dark [i]Ability:[/i] Trample [i]Status Effect:[/i][img]https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/e/ec/Fear_40px.png/18px-Fear_40px.png[/img] Zombie [i]Description:[/i] This spirit can be utilized from a great range, high over the enemies’ heads. It delivers searing, acidic rain from above, diminishing their physical armor. Though it can be cast from far away, it affects only a small zone. This spirit, unusually, takes the form of sound; when Wren walks, it sounds as though she is constantly stepping in puddles, but there is no water to see. It exemplifies confidence and self-assurance. [b]Relations[/b] [i]Selene:[/i] Wren and Selene have an especially strong friendship; Wren admires Selene’s strength and leadership abilities, and they’ve saved each other’s asses in fights on more than one occasion. However, they are capable of disagreeing on things like battle strategies, who gets to lead the attack, etc., but these minor quarrels are always over quickly, as Wren will always defer to Selene as a faithful soldier. Wren has a fondness for Selene, as she was the first to become her friend at Oakridge; she feels that she is one of the few people who truly understand her. They sparred together many times at the Academy, and Selene was there when Wren was possessed by Acid Rain, her most recent spirit. [i]Aurelia:[/i] Wren and Aurelia are what can best be described as vitriolic friends; though their personalities and preferences clash in almost every way, they share the same intensity and self-assurance. As a result, they frequently argue, but these skirmishes are merely surface-deep. In truth, Wren quite likes Aurelia and admires her direct approach to dealing with others. If anything, their friendship is only strengthened by their ever-present mocking and teasing. Wren typically refers to her as "princess" -- but you would be mistaken in thinking this nickname could be used by anyone else, at least without a swift punch in the nose from Aurelia. [i]Eric:[/i] Eric is the yang to Wren's yin, her counterbalance. He cools her fiery temper and keeps her thinking straight in dangerous situations. They went to the same school pre-Oakridge; not long after befriending each other, they met Aurelia, and the three have been close ever since. Wren and Eric bonded in weapon smithing class and practiced in training simulations together. In combat, their electrical spirits combine to form a super powerful lightning attack with incredible accuracy and range. [i]Eric, Wren, and Aurelia - the Trio:[/i] As they are all natives of Elysium, Wren, Aurelia, and Eric have known each other since before they were accepted into Oakridge, and as such have become a special, if a little bizarre, trio of friends. While Aurelia and Wren tend to kick up a lot of fire, Eric chills them both out and keeps them focused. [i]Ito:[/i] Ito and Wren met during a battle simulation at Oakridge. At first, Wren was wary of Ito's inclination for long range fighting, but ended up appreciating snipers and their support in combat. Selene played a major role in getting them to become friends. [i]Cass:[/i] Out of everyone in the group, Wren and Cass get along the most. They have the same interest in fighting, and their personalities mesh well. Cass's calm attitude and cheerful demeanor brings out Wren's best characteristics. In combat, Wren's Acid Rain attack can be combined with Cass's Tornado Blast to make a small, destructive hurricane; in addition, Cass's Push and Pull techniques can be used on Wren's armor, speeding her up even faster than she can sprint or pulling Cass closer to her. Unfortunately, Cass loves to bring Wren on grand adventures, getting both of them in all sorts of trouble. [i]Sage:[/i] As Wren is more attracted to the up-front, straightforward types of personalities, she was initially highly distrustful of Sage and her secretive tendencies. However, as they spent more time together and Wren got to see her more sensitive sides, she began to appreciate her clever thinking and devotion to her friends. Together, they make an effective duo, both in strategics and in battle; their logical skills combine to create strong combat plans, and while fighting, Wren's Clap of Thunder spirit supports Sage's Blackout spirit. [b]Trivia[/b] - People often ask Wren if she’s “stressed” or “old” because of her white hair. It annoys her. - She doesn’t wear makeup, but Aurelia did try to put some on her once. That went about as well as you might expect. - She hates seafood. - She prefers winter to summer. - Wren is straight, but has very little experience when it comes to romance. She once punched a boy she had a crush on in the mouth to show her affection... when she was seventeen. [hider=Additional image of Wren’s appearance][url]http://i.imgur.com/xFykFnP.jpg[/url][/hider]