"I am Iouril. I apologize for interrupting," he said, a bit hastily. He took a seat at the bar next to the other young woman, whose race the dark elf could not discern, and the Xanara explained her theory behind the earthquake. He knew warfare between guilds. He was more than familiar with the concept, but he hadn't heard of any particularly powerful guild in the area, although he had not been here long. "You think a guild from around here can muster that kind of power? I am not very familiar with the area." he questioned honestly. He took his drink after giving the bartender a nods of thanks. His attention was caught by the bubbling conflict at the far side of the bar. "This kinda thing happen often around here?" He asked with a light hearted chuckle in reference to both topics, taking a sip from his drink. He took an innocent look at the two. The other woman was covered in a brown cloak; she must have been a traveler herself. The Xanara was armed, although not particularly armored, and he wondered if she was a member of a local guild. He nervously fingered the filigree of one of his daggers at the thought of and incoming fight; he hoped, even if it devolved to such, that it would be contained to that group.