[b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Monday, April 20 2015 - During School[/b] Kotori's face showed a measure of relief when the announcement was heard regarding Matthew - and a moment later, surprise was mixed in when she realised that it coinceded with what had been said in the Agriculture Club room last week by the Second Year Student who had passed by, Rui. Indeed, Matthew was safe by the start of this week - had Rui perhaps somehow known what was going on? Shaking her head, Kotori put those silly thoughts aside - it looked like the mystery novel she was reading right now was getting to her head. With that, she returned her attention to the teacher. [b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Mall | After School[/b] As her usual way home lead Kotori through the mall, she briefly thought upon if there was anything she needed if she was already here - but after ticking off every item on her mental checklist as being present at home, she came to the conclusion that there was nothing. Instead, she headed homewards - at least, until she heard a commotion somewhere up ahead. Looking in its direction, Kotori soon found the source thereof - in the form of a loose circle of onlookers, some whispering among themselves, some holding up their phones to take pictures or write about it, all of which surrounded a small group of people. Unsure what it was about, Kotori drew closer - at least, until she caught sight of exactly what was going on. Said small group turned out to, in fact, be two girls and two boys - and a mess of rags at their feet that must have once been the clothing on one of the boys' most definitely bare upper body. Her confusion only grew when she actually recognised two faces - with those two being Noboru, the inexplicably yet again shirtless, and Rui, who even less explicably suddenly started to take on a pose. The two girls, meanwhile, seemed a bit dismayed at the situation - and most likely the attention it was getting, to. Kotori's by now blank stare was only interrupted by an occasional confused blink - before she turned her eyes away and just started walking on.