Second page? Time to fix that. Edit: Is there some pertinent information lacking that is preventing people from making characters? Cause while I fumble around with a fully informative first post, I am still open to specific questions. And here's the character I will be playing, for the most part. Name: Marcus Alekzander Age: 27 Nation of Origin: Horatica Nova (Menedelanium Province) Sex: Male Physical Description: Marcus is a big man. He is not of Horatican stock, but Skartii, one of the last northern clans conquered by Horatica some eighty years prior, and so stands much taller than the average citizen of the capital - a hand's span over six feet, at least, and lean-muscled from a life of hard-living and hard-fighting. He keeps his auburn hair moderately trimmed, and a light beard frames his square jaw and strong chin. His remaining eye - the right - is cobalt, the burnt space where his left eye used to be always covered by a leather eyepatch, shining black and meticulously maintained. A purplish-black stone juts from his right temple, where it was hammered in during the Nullification process. Equipment/Personal Possessions: Marcus wears simple, undyed breeches and tunic under his Myrmidon breastplate and Gauntlet. Aside from his eyepatches (he always carries three) and brace of three daggers common to most Myrmidon, there is the greatsword gifted to Marcus on the day Asyrdar bought him. It is shorter than most, with a blade around four feet, but wide, and carved with intricate swirling patterns. It is straight-bladed, double-edged, and weighs near seven pounds. Upon handing it to Marcus, Asyrdar commanded him simply: "Should the blade glow blue, kill me." History: WIP