[@reddy] you're looking at the moral weaknesses from the wrong end of the deciaion. It's supposed to be about what kinds of responses to decisions would haunt your character the most, or at least more than others. The example of a grieving family I had in the post could be one. An ex-alcoholic (metaphorical "30-day chip" AA member) might regret seeing someone he kept from killing themselves dive into an alcoholic binge. Maybe you just feel most guilty when you make someone pissed at you because of a decision you made, like informing an abused spouse that what her husband has been doing actually is abuse and the husband finds out you told his now-ex wife and is out to get you. Stuff like that. I personally think it's hard to come up with any broad moral weaknesses or immunities. The typical emotions to a response to your decisions that you aren't immune to should include at least a little of the following: grief, regret, sadness, self-anger/self-hate, and more on those lines. What kinds of outcomes from a decision would cause at least a little of several of those emotions or a lot of one of them?